敬愛的慈濟家人朋友們,西雅圖支會特別邀請到City of Bellevue - Emergency Management Team 在慈濟會所開急難救助訓練精簡課程(CERT Lite),課程內容請參考此連結。希望能藉以協助慈濟的家人朋友們做好您的防災準備工作。 日期:9/28 星期六時間:下午1:30-4:30上課地點:慈濟西雅圖支會Bellevue會所 15800 SE Newport Way, Bellevue WA98006.歡迎所有年齡11歲以上的慈濟家人和朋友參加,未成年者需要有家人陪伴。 若有個別需求, 每一站也將有慈濟志工協助翻譯。City of Bellevue 還會贈送參加者很實用的急難救助工具。 由於名額有限,請盡快在此連結報名。 每位志工或未成年者都須報名才能參加,依報名先後順序, 額滿截止。 無限感恩!==================Dear Tzu Chi Families and Friends,Tzu Chi Seattle branch has invited City of Bellevue - Emergency Management Team to host the CERT Lite Disaster Preparedness Training in our Bellevue office. What is CERT Lite Training? It is about disaster preparedness and basic response skills, so we will be ready to help ourselves and our loved ones during the disaster. Please click here for more information. During the training, Tzu Chi volunteers can also provide English-Chinese translation for any attendee.Date: 9/28/2019 SaturdayTime: 1:30 pm – 4:30 pmVenue: 15800 SE Newport Way, Bellevue WA 98006 (Tzu Chi Seattle branch Bellevue location)Registration is FREE and open to everyone, the city of Bellevue will also give out free disaster preparedness tools. Participants as young as 11 may attend; however, they must be accompanied by a registered parent or guardian for the duration of the training. As space is limited, please register here early. Everyone including minors has to register in order to attend this training. The registration will be closed once spaces are filled.Thank you for your support and participation!Tzu Chi Seattle branch Emergency Response Team (email: TCS.Emergency.Response@gmail.com)