June 29, 2012
06/09/2012 結業暨畢業典禮報導
06/09/2012西雅圖慈濟人文學校假Newport High School表演廳舉行結業暨畢業典禮。因為場地夠大,今年家長都可以有座位坐。此次典禮是第一次由現任老師擔任其中一位司儀,生動活潑又親切。典禮中有 上人的祝福,年度回顧愛心爸媽的身影,接著頒發出席率前三名的愛心爸媽獎盃,愛心爸爸第一名是不會說中文的KJ爸爸,第二名是必須拄著拐杖但是愛心不落人後的潤華爸爸;接著播放年度活動回顧,頒發學業優良獎,最特別的還是請到西雅圖支會第一顆種子林濟法及慈護師兄師姐,十八年來不缺席,來頒發全勤獎,至此,司儀說下課了要活動活動,請大家站起來一起跟唱「天地好像大課堂」,全校融和在歌聲歡笑中。緊接著是畢業生的節目,學生們把他們十一年來在人文文學校學習到的感恩尊重愛,自編自導成短劇呈現給大家,並且鼓勵學弟妹們不要放棄,跟好慈濟的步伐。師長志工更以「叮嚀」手語給予畢業生最大的祝福,典禮最後在全校的「一家人」手語中圓滿結束,師長及志工與家長及學生在會場門外互相祝福,並約定九月開學見。
全美22所慈濟人文文學校愛心召集令, 漂洋過海送圖書 終於在6/25/12抵達南非雷地史密斯, 請按下面大愛新聞影音連結的報導
全美22所慈濟人文文學校愛心召集令, 漂洋過海送圖書 終於在6/25/12抵達南非雷地史密斯, 請按下面大愛新聞影音連結的報導
再一次感恩所有贈書, 整理書, 打包裝運的學生、家長及志工
June 4, 2012
6/2 Field Day
Guess what?
Rain stopped when it was time for us to go to the field on 6/2. We were blessed, weren't we?
It is the first time that we hold the field day one week prior to the last week of school.
It was 6/2, The whole school was in a very delightful atmosphere on this particular day. Students finished their finals and marched to the field by classes. All classes are grouped and sent to different games while sun gradually shone on us.
Whole event ended with a sweet treat - donut! Now, we look forward to the last day of school awarding and graduation ceremony on coming Saturday!
Don't forget - the ceremony will be held at Newport High school. Students shall arrive at 9:00 am on 6/9 (see the previous post for details).
Rain stopped when it was time for us to go to the field on 6/2. We were blessed, weren't we?
It is the first time that we hold the field day one week prior to the last week of school.
It was 6/2, The whole school was in a very delightful atmosphere on this particular day. Students finished their finals and marched to the field by classes. All classes are grouped and sent to different games while sun gradually shone on us.
Whole event ended with a sweet treat - donut! Now, we look forward to the last day of school awarding and graduation ceremony on coming Saturday!
Don't forget - the ceremony will be held at Newport High school. Students shall arrive at 9:00 am on 6/9 (see the previous post for details).
June 3, 2012
5/12 竹筒回娘家善款整理結算完成
竹筒回娘家的善款分由四個大甕盛裝,感恩活動隔週邀家長一同整理,因硬幣數量很多,至昨天整理計算完成,共有 $1,651.99,都來自孩子及家長的愛心,加上活動當天義賣戒指$500,總共$2,151.99,以人文學校三寶弟子名義捐入慈濟慈善基金。