10:45 am, cafeteria
parents gradually got in the cafeteria waiting for the meeting to begin.
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
meeting started with principal Min-Min welcoming all parents and introduced her experience in Tzu Chi and her dedications to Academy, Min-Min reminded our parents to yield front parking space for our teachers for teachers carrying lots materials to school and for respects. Following is vice principal Pei-Hwa to address how to stay connected with school, consistent electronics polices as in public schools, and accredidated language credits transfer to high school transcripts. Next, another vice principal Cindy went over textbooks, materials, and humanistic classes. She also invited interested parents to join teacher training for future teaching positions. Students Affairs team lead Mei-Shan explained the range of services this team provides and acquiring parents volunteer in making all those services maintained and managed.
Due to the increase of students of this school year, registrar Demi told our parents the growing of school has greatly stretched to space and teachers' load. She sincerely pleaded all to support and encourage each teacher to motivate and nourish both students and teachers. On side of the growth, we all face the traffic flow in & out of school. Therefore, Ai-Xin dad also our new safety team lead, Dennis Su presented traffic guidelines for all participants and asked for everyone's cooperation and considerations for others.
Last, our team lead Allen Su notified all the whole year event plan and call for volunteers too.
The meeting PPTs and emergency evacuation map have been uploaded to the blog website, under 'Administration' section.
date: 9/27/2014
time: 11:00-12:00
place: school cafeteria
attendees: 160
reporter: Pei-Hwa Lin
photo: Mabel Su
September 28, 2014
September 22, 2014
9/27 行政與全校家長座談會 Parents & Staff meeting
This is a
School Satff &
Parents Meeting
For: important
announcement regarding school policies and planned activities for the coming
school year. This will be a great opportunity to communicate concerns in
children’s education. Your input is important to
Date: September 27
Time: 11:00am - 11:50pm
Location: school Cafeteria.
2014-2015 開學通知 Welcome Letter (English version follows)
大家好!新的學年又要開始了, 西雅圖慈濟人文學校定於九月六日開學,請於當日至Tillicum Middle School (16020 S.E.
16th St. Bellevue, WA 98008) 上課,上課時間是9:00AM-12:00PM。基於維護學生安全為由,請每位學生務必穿著制服上衣,藍色長褲,並攜帶本通知書,女生請梳整頭髮別上有校徽的藍色髮飾,志工將憑通知書或制服辨識後,方可讓你進入教室區上課。 鑒於學生安全與教室秩序的因素,本校不開放旁聽或試聽,如有見到不能辨識為本校學生或成人在校園走動時,請大家能協助引導到餐廳,由行政志工負責接待。
第二節 09:40-10:20 六年級、七年級、八年級、九年級、十年級
第三節 10:30 -11:10 二年級、三年級、四年級、五年級
第四節 11:20-12:00 幼幼班、注音班、漢語拼音班、一年級
校長 黃銘銘法號慈啟 恭敬合十
September 16, 2014
9/13 Students had a great time when parents met teachers
It is parent and teacher meeting day!
第二週, 親師座談 - 學校邀請家長和孩子的班級老師會談, 了解整學年的教學計劃, 並且邀請家長到教室內當班爸爸、班媽媽,更鼓勵家長承擔愛心爸媽, 協助校園安全的維護工作。
當老師和家長們開會時, 行政團隊安排活動照顧學生, 讓老師能安心跟家長溝通。其中, 校方邀請到剛從華大畢業的慈青汪德欣來和九、十年級學生分享如何在高中準備升大學的計畫, 學生們聽得津津有味, 而且非常樂於發問, 連志工都聽到捨不得離開。
七、八年級的學生則聚在餐廳製作靜思語海報, 由志工先解說, 學生們分組完成, 學校將定期展示孩子們的作品
低年級的學生, 有的學手語, 有的製作敦親睦鄰卡, 孩子們的作品將會安排時間, 由學生一一送給學校附近的鄰居。
第二週, 親師座談 - 學校邀請家長和孩子的班級老師會談, 了解整學年的教學計劃, 並且邀請家長到教室內當班爸爸、班媽媽,更鼓勵家長承擔愛心爸媽, 協助校園安全的維護工作。
當老師和家長們開會時, 行政團隊安排活動照顧學生, 讓老師能安心跟家長溝通。其中, 校方邀請到剛從華大畢業的慈青汪德欣來和九、十年級學生分享如何在高中準備升大學的計畫, 學生們聽得津津有味, 而且非常樂於發問, 連志工都聽到捨不得離開。
七、八年級的學生則聚在餐廳製作靜思語海報, 由志工先解說, 學生們分組完成, 學校將定期展示孩子們的作品
低年級的學生, 有的學手語, 有的製作敦親睦鄰卡, 孩子們的作品將會安排時間, 由學生一一送給學校附近的鄰居。
September 11, 2014
9/13 is the day of curriculum day.
一、這星期六第二節課是高年級的親師座談.9:40 - 10:20 AM
安排九年級 & 十年級 (共 27 位同學 ) 到401教室, 我們邀請了一位剛從華大畢業的大姐姐, 也是去年華大慈青社長汪德欣(Theresa)來分享如何從高中準備升學
二、這星期六第三節課是中年級的親師座談. 10:30 - 11:10 AM
我們安排二年級~五年級學生做小手工藝, 成品將會作為我們另一活動- 敦親睦鄰用, 或是配合支會 21周年慶義賣活動. 請提醒學生帶彩色筆
三、這星期六第四節課是低年級的親師座談. 11:20 - 12:00
注音班 : 學習手語, 作為配合支會 21 周年慶活動的暖身準備.
一年級兩班 : 我們安排學生做小手工藝, 成品將會作為我們另一活動- 敦親睦鄰用, 或是配合支會 21周年慶義賣活動