Dear Tzu Chi Academy Families,
Happy New Year!!!
While we count our blessings, please also share some to the needs and to those who are suffering.
Best Wishes to All.
The Admin Team
December 31, 2014
December 22, 2014
Stories told by Master--The Farmer and His Ox
證嚴法師聽到一則真人真事,深受感動,說的是一位鄉間老農夫與牛的溫馨故事。有一位老 農夫,從年輕時就養了一條牛,為他耕田,每天,農夫與牛日出而作,日落而息,形影不離 ,農夫待牛如家人一般,可是,農夫年紀愈來愈大,沒有力氣耕種,也沒有力氣照顧牛,就 想為牠找新主人,還開出條件,不能讓牛勞作,更不能殺牠。新主人同意後,就將牛帶回家 。一段時間之後,老農夫放心不下,去看牛,結果竟看到牛被綁在樹下,老農夫看了好心疼 ,就向新主人把牛要回來。可是,老農夫還是沒有力氣照顧牛,就再放出消息,尋找牛的新 主人,這一次,老農夫要求寫下切結書,寫明不能讓牛勞作,不能殺牛,更要讓牛自由活動 。新主人聽了很感動,就答應老農夫的要求,還一字不漏的簽下切結書。
watch the story here
November 11, 2014
11/08/2014 教師精進研習日
11/8 學校不上課,然而老師與教務團隊可沒休息,一大早就道會所報到,準備上這學年的第一次教師研習。
從 上人開示清淨在源頭,知孝行孝,到淨化人心多付出,引出了四位老師參加總會25週年教育20年的營隊分享,慧雯老師體會到以身作則應以親身力行為重,郁文老師分享佛法與興趣的結合去體會孩子的內心世界,並且用孩子的角度與高度去啟發他們善念以及改變世界的能量,進一步了解佛法中強調「助人」的意義。
日期: 11/8/2014
活動時間: 9:00 - 13:30
參加人數: 25人 (含17位老師, 8位行政教育志工)
撰文: 林佩華
攝影: 謝如宜
從 上人開示清淨在源頭,知孝行孝,到淨化人心多付出,引出了四位老師參加總會25週年教育20年的營隊分享,慧雯老師體會到以身作則應以親身力行為重,郁文老師分享佛法與興趣的結合去體會孩子的內心世界,並且用孩子的角度與高度去啟發他們善念以及改變世界的能量,進一步了解佛法中強調「助人」的意義。
日期: 11/8/2014
活動時間: 9:00 - 13:30
參加人數: 25人 (含17位老師, 8位行政教育志工)
撰文: 林佩華
攝影: 謝如宜
October 25, 2014
School Safety policy & support to your children
Yesterday we received shocking news about gun
violence at one of our region’s public schools. Our thoughts and prayers are
with those impacted by the shooting at Marysville-Pilchuck High School.
Another act of gun violence so close to home is
scary and this news is always difficult to hear, but I want to reassure parents
that our school continues to work actively for our children’s safety. As our school grows into today’s size, it is
particularly challenging for our safety crew to recognize the outcomers.
Therefore, I am here to plead for your help to reinforce our school uniform
policy and visitor policy. By this means, please have your students to wear
uniform to school, also when you come to volunteer please do sign in at front
desk and wear the volunteer vest at all time. This way can effectively assist
the safety crew to distinguish strangers from our community. Besides staff and
safety crew, I also sincerely invite you to mindfully look out unusual people
or things while you are at school in a way to help our school the safest place
for our children. Feeling safe as well as secure in a school community are
fundamental to a successful learning environment for children and we can work
hand in hand in our commitment to this.
To support your child at home, below, please find
excerpted from the American Psychological Association guidance for responding
to violent events.
Limit exposure to news coverage
Parents should monitor how much exposure
a child has to news reports of traumatic events. Research has shown that some
young children believe that the events are reoccurring each time they see a
television replay of the news footage.
Talk to your children
Should children learn troubling news,
psychologists who work in the area of trauma and recovery advise parents to use
these events as an opportunity to talk and listen to their children. It is
important, say these psychologists, to be honest. Parents should acknowledge to
children that bad things do happen, but also reassure them with the information
that many people are working to keep them safe, including their parents,
teachers, and local police.
Young children may communicate their
fears through play or drawings. Elementary school children will use a
combination of play and talking to express themselves. Adolescents are more
likely to have the skills to communicate their feelings and fears verbally.
Adults should be attentive to a child's concerns, but also try to help the
children put their fears into proportion to the real risk. Again, it is
important to reassure children that the adults in their lives are doing
everything they can to make their environment — school, home and neighborhood —
safe for them.
Know the warning signs
Most children are quite resilient and
will return to their normal activities and personality relatively quickly, but
parents should be alert to any signs of anxiety that might suggest that a child
or teenager might need more assistance. Such indicators could be a change in
the child's school performance, changes in relationships with peers and
teachers, excessive worry, school refusal, sleeplessness, nightmares, headaches
or stomachaches, or loss of interest in activities that the child used to
enjoy. Also remember that every child will respond to trauma differently. Some
will have no ill effects; others may suffer an immediate and acute effect.
Still others may not show signs of stress until sometime after the event.
Pei-Hwa Lin & Hui-Ting Wang, Vice Principals
Tzu Chi Academy, Seattle
October 9, 2014
10/11 No school
Teachers & volunteers attending teacher professional retreat and 25th Anniversary of US Tzu Chi Foundation in San Dimas, California.
here is the US Tzu Chi website:
here is the US Tzu Chi website:
September 28, 2014
9/27 Parent & Staff meeting
10:45 am, cafeteria
parents gradually got in the cafeteria waiting for the meeting to begin.
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
meeting started with principal Min-Min welcoming all parents and introduced her experience in Tzu Chi and her dedications to Academy, Min-Min reminded our parents to yield front parking space for our teachers for teachers carrying lots materials to school and for respects. Following is vice principal Pei-Hwa to address how to stay connected with school, consistent electronics polices as in public schools, and accredidated language credits transfer to high school transcripts. Next, another vice principal Cindy went over textbooks, materials, and humanistic classes. She also invited interested parents to join teacher training for future teaching positions. Students Affairs team lead Mei-Shan explained the range of services this team provides and acquiring parents volunteer in making all those services maintained and managed.
Due to the increase of students of this school year, registrar Demi told our parents the growing of school has greatly stretched to space and teachers' load. She sincerely pleaded all to support and encourage each teacher to motivate and nourish both students and teachers. On side of the growth, we all face the traffic flow in & out of school. Therefore, Ai-Xin dad also our new safety team lead, Dennis Su presented traffic guidelines for all participants and asked for everyone's cooperation and considerations for others.
Last, our team lead Allen Su notified all the whole year event plan and call for volunteers too.
The meeting PPTs and emergency evacuation map have been uploaded to the blog website, under 'Administration' section.
date: 9/27/2014
time: 11:00-12:00
place: school cafeteria
attendees: 160
reporter: Pei-Hwa Lin
photo: Mabel Su
parents gradually got in the cafeteria waiting for the meeting to begin.
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
meeting started with principal Min-Min welcoming all parents and introduced her experience in Tzu Chi and her dedications to Academy, Min-Min reminded our parents to yield front parking space for our teachers for teachers carrying lots materials to school and for respects. Following is vice principal Pei-Hwa to address how to stay connected with school, consistent electronics polices as in public schools, and accredidated language credits transfer to high school transcripts. Next, another vice principal Cindy went over textbooks, materials, and humanistic classes. She also invited interested parents to join teacher training for future teaching positions. Students Affairs team lead Mei-Shan explained the range of services this team provides and acquiring parents volunteer in making all those services maintained and managed.
Due to the increase of students of this school year, registrar Demi told our parents the growing of school has greatly stretched to space and teachers' load. She sincerely pleaded all to support and encourage each teacher to motivate and nourish both students and teachers. On side of the growth, we all face the traffic flow in & out of school. Therefore, Ai-Xin dad also our new safety team lead, Dennis Su presented traffic guidelines for all participants and asked for everyone's cooperation and considerations for others.
Last, our team lead Allen Su notified all the whole year event plan and call for volunteers too.
The meeting PPTs and emergency evacuation map have been uploaded to the blog website, under 'Administration' section.
date: 9/27/2014
time: 11:00-12:00
place: school cafeteria
attendees: 160
reporter: Pei-Hwa Lin
photo: Mabel Su
September 22, 2014
9/27 行政與全校家長座談會 Parents & Staff meeting
This is a
School Satff &
Parents Meeting
For: important
announcement regarding school policies and planned activities for the coming
school year. This will be a great opportunity to communicate concerns in
children’s education. Your input is important to
Date: September 27
Time: 11:00am - 11:50pm
Location: school Cafeteria.
2014-2015 開學通知 Welcome Letter (English version follows)
大家好!新的學年又要開始了, 西雅圖慈濟人文學校定於九月六日開學,請於當日至Tillicum Middle School (16020 S.E.
16th St. Bellevue, WA 98008) 上課,上課時間是9:00AM-12:00PM。基於維護學生安全為由,請每位學生務必穿著制服上衣,藍色長褲,並攜帶本通知書,女生請梳整頭髮別上有校徽的藍色髮飾,志工將憑通知書或制服辨識後,方可讓你進入教室區上課。 鑒於學生安全與教室秩序的因素,本校不開放旁聽或試聽,如有見到不能辨識為本校學生或成人在校園走動時,請大家能協助引導到餐廳,由行政志工負責接待。
第二節 09:40-10:20 六年級、七年級、八年級、九年級、十年級
第三節 10:30 -11:10 二年級、三年級、四年級、五年級
第四節 11:20-12:00 幼幼班、注音班、漢語拼音班、一年級
校長 黃銘銘法號慈啟 恭敬合十
September 16, 2014
9/13 Students had a great time when parents met teachers
It is parent and teacher meeting day!
第二週, 親師座談 - 學校邀請家長和孩子的班級老師會談, 了解整學年的教學計劃, 並且邀請家長到教室內當班爸爸、班媽媽,更鼓勵家長承擔愛心爸媽, 協助校園安全的維護工作。
當老師和家長們開會時, 行政團隊安排活動照顧學生, 讓老師能安心跟家長溝通。其中, 校方邀請到剛從華大畢業的慈青汪德欣來和九、十年級學生分享如何在高中準備升大學的計畫, 學生們聽得津津有味, 而且非常樂於發問, 連志工都聽到捨不得離開。
七、八年級的學生則聚在餐廳製作靜思語海報, 由志工先解說, 學生們分組完成, 學校將定期展示孩子們的作品
低年級的學生, 有的學手語, 有的製作敦親睦鄰卡, 孩子們的作品將會安排時間, 由學生一一送給學校附近的鄰居。
第二週, 親師座談 - 學校邀請家長和孩子的班級老師會談, 了解整學年的教學計劃, 並且邀請家長到教室內當班爸爸、班媽媽,更鼓勵家長承擔愛心爸媽, 協助校園安全的維護工作。
當老師和家長們開會時, 行政團隊安排活動照顧學生, 讓老師能安心跟家長溝通。其中, 校方邀請到剛從華大畢業的慈青汪德欣來和九、十年級學生分享如何在高中準備升大學的計畫, 學生們聽得津津有味, 而且非常樂於發問, 連志工都聽到捨不得離開。
七、八年級的學生則聚在餐廳製作靜思語海報, 由志工先解說, 學生們分組完成, 學校將定期展示孩子們的作品
低年級的學生, 有的學手語, 有的製作敦親睦鄰卡, 孩子們的作品將會安排時間, 由學生一一送給學校附近的鄰居。
September 11, 2014
9/13 is the day of curriculum day.
一、這星期六第二節課是高年級的親師座談.9:40 - 10:20 AM
安排九年級 & 十年級 (共 27 位同學 ) 到401教室, 我們邀請了一位剛從華大畢業的大姐姐, 也是去年華大慈青社長汪德欣(Theresa)來分享如何從高中準備升學
二、這星期六第三節課是中年級的親師座談. 10:30 - 11:10 AM
我們安排二年級~五年級學生做小手工藝, 成品將會作為我們另一活動- 敦親睦鄰用, 或是配合支會 21周年慶義賣活動. 請提醒學生帶彩色筆
三、這星期六第四節課是低年級的親師座談. 11:20 - 12:00
注音班 : 學習手語, 作為配合支會 21 周年慶活動的暖身準備.
一年級兩班 : 我們安排學生做小手工藝, 成品將會作為我們另一活動- 敦親睦鄰用, 或是配合支會 21周年慶義賣活動
August 13, 2014
First Day of School is September 6th, 2014
Are you ready for another new school year?
It is coming....
Look forward to seeing you at school on September 6th!!
It is coming....
Look forward to seeing you at school on September 6th!!
August 10, 2014
August 2, 2014
June 9, 2014
「探索孩子內在的聲音。」特別邀請心理學家 管以雯博士蒞臨演講。
生活點滴分享 愛的存款要多多
看見在座的家長豎起長長耳朵準備聽取第一手資料。管博士說: 「如果小時候與父母關係很好分享就容易,但因不同的孩子有不同性情,有的孩子需要一些引導。若孩子有回應問答時,父母的傾聽、同理心、正向回復也決定分享內容的深廣。尤其建立好關係是最最重要。」
理直又氣和 節外生枝少
疏導負情緒 輕生念頭滅
& A時段提問問題的家長踴躍,會後向管博士單獨請教也若干人。這一場「探索孩子內在的聲音。」對一個家庭來說該是相當值得注意的課題。 因為每一個個體的生命都是獨一無二的尊貴和難得。但應運多元性社會型態讓人的生活不僅緊奏和繁忙,也存在不少的壓力,有時一家人團聚的時間,也因工作或功課忙幾天內說不上幾句話,連最普通的談心、話家常都可能要事先預約!人與人之間因缺乏溝通、分享,心的距離就會相形漸遠,彼此不信任和猜忌也會加深,相對不必要的誤會和傷害也會發生。在探索孩子的內心聲音同時,也讓我們停下腳步省察:為什麼人與人之間的真誠變少了?為什麼孩子與我們之間心距離漸遠?
時間: 9:40
參加人數: 約60人
撰文: 謝慈尹
June 4, 2014
June Announcement
本周六(6/7) 9:40 - 10:40 談「心」茶會
有鑒於最近發生的台北捷運與加州槍擊案都是年輕人不尋常心理所引起, 造成年輕人自己以及家長們很大的不安, 因此學校有邀請管以雯博士
- 執業的心理學家來和家長們互動, 看如何幫助孩子們排解對此悲劇所造成的不安,
二、 本周六(6/7)早上早上各班結束期末考後,學校將舉辦親子運動會,時間是11:00 AM,地點在學校大草坪,歡迎家長一起來跟孩子慶祝完成一年的學習。
三、 下週六(6/14)是最後一週,將舉行結業式暨第八屆畢業典禮,除了頒發各項獎勵外,同時發下學期成績單與暑假作業,會點名計算出席,今年舉辦的地點改在Bellevue High School Performing Art Center
地址是10416 SE Wolverine Way, Bellevue, WA
時間: 9:00-11:30 AM, 學生應於9:00前到Performing
Art Center前門與班級集合入場
人文學校行政團隊 恭敬合十
May 12, 2014
日期:May 10, 2014
地點:School Gym
第一場: 9:30 – 10:30
第二場: 10:50 – 11:50
16020 SE 16th St, Bellevue WA
Tzu Chi Academy, Seattle
is the Month of Gratitude in Tzu Chi. We are grateful to our parents,
grateful to all sentient beings, and grateful to Buddha. Thank you for
your long term support and unconditional giving to all the students at Tzu Chi
student have had previous adopted a “Bamboo Bank.” Regardless of the amount of
donation, we hoped to encourage you and your child with cultivating a kind
thought every day. On the day of the event, we would like to welcome the
Bamboo Bank home. We sincerely invite you with your whole family to come
to the “Appreciation event” and allow your child an opportunity to thank you.
Two things should never wait: doing good deeds and
being good to our parents.
- Jing Si Aphorism by Master
Cheng Yen –
Please bring
back your child’s bamboo bank.
Two seats per family.
Please bring hand
lotion to receive the service from your student.
April 30, 2014
慈濟基金會西雅圖支會為慶祝浴佛節、母親節、慈濟日「三節合一」,訂五月十一日星期日舉辦二場慶典活動,藉以感念「佛恩、親恩、眾生恩」,並慶祝慈濟四十八週年。上午場次將於10:00am – 12:00pm假西雅圖支會 (12639 NE 85th St.,
Kirkland WA 98033)舉行 ,下午場次將於3:00pm -4:30pm假華埠社區中心 (719 8th Ave S
Seattle, WA 98104) 舉行。
April 19, 2014
2014-2015 Registration open for current students
2014-2015 在校生註冊開始 – 名額保留至5/17
Dear Parents
of Current students,
Here is the link to the registration form for the current students only!
completed by 5/17, there
will be $10 discount each current student. There is no sibling discount.
All available space will open to new students after 5/18/2014.
Once you
click the link above, please enter student's name & birthday to pull out
your student's info and then you will received an email which includes a
designated link for your student to register, please do not share that link to others
for your own privacy. Please submit tuition payment in check to our registrar to complete your registration. She will be at school cafeteria each Saturday.
If you have trouble to pull out your student's info from our database, please send email to, describe the problem and we will respond as soon as possible.
All new coming students have to contact our registrar to ensure there is space available before using this system.
Thank you for supporting our Green action online registration system.
April 2, 2014
恭喜!!!本校學生參加 “中華文化之旅基金會”學藝競賽榮獲歌唱比賽第二名及背誦比賽第三名
注音福慧: Maria Knauss
注音福慧: 施敬德 Sydney L. Shih
注音福慧: 紀梅 Jean Brockenbrough
一年知足: 黃子祐 Asuke Huang
一年感恩: 鄭凱益 Daven K White
二年知足: 汪珍駿 Thomas J. Wang
二年知足: 翁斯敏 Charlotte Middleton
二年知足: 連雅彤 Johanna Lian
二年感恩: 唐蕾 Hoda Abdel-Aleim
二年感恩: 李守芬 Emma De Guzman
二年尊重: 陳愛沙 Natasha Quay
二年尊重: 紀漢 Chase Brockenbrough
注音福慧: Maria Knauss
注音福慧: 施敬德 Sydney L. Shih
注音福慧: 紀梅 Jean Brockenbrough
一年知足: 黃子祐 Asuke Huang
一年感恩: 鄭凱益 Daven K White
二年知足: 汪珍駿 Thomas J. Wang
二年知足: 翁斯敏 Charlotte Middleton
二年知足: 連雅彤 Johanna Lian
二年感恩: 唐蕾 Hoda Abdel-Aleim
二年感恩: 李守芬 Emma De Guzman
二年尊重: 陳愛沙 Natasha Quay

二年尊重: 薛育媛 Gwenyth Seet
二年尊重: Joseph Knauss
五年善解: 林宇涵 Arie Yuhan Lin
六年誠正: 施萱琳 Shirlyn Shih

三年善解: 姚博彰 Andrew Yao
四年善解: 薛育凱 Asher Seet
四年善解: 紀琳 Sydney Brockenbrough
五年善解: 黃子恩 Annabelle Huang
五年善解: 姚博瀚 Preston Yao
五年善解: 薛育卓 Ethan Seet
五年善解: 郭葳 Jacqueline Simpson
五年善解: 海娜 Hannah Knauss