九月五日要開學了, 行政志工與老師們已經忙了一整個暑假, 準備與您的寶貝迎接新的一學年, 學習新事物。為了孩子在校園裡的安全, 學校的安全團隊志工很努力的維護與巡視, 因此請務必叮嚀您的學生穿著制服上學, 不但是守護學校的精神, 更是為大家的安全盡一份力.
The school starts at 9:00 AM. Please dress in school uniform. For new families to the school, your student's uniform will be delivered to the class by our volunteers on the first day of school.
Student's safety is our top priority, therefore, wearing uniform helps our safety crew to recognize our students from outsiders. You are all invited to be obligated to insure the safety in our school. We appreciate for your compliance in this matter.
Look forward to seeing you all this coming Saturday!
August 31, 2015
August 11, 2015
請看八月十日的大愛電視台的【人間菩提】20150810 - 重整家園‧傳承法脈
校長 黃銘銘 恭敬合十
August 1, 2015
2015-2016 Calendar is updated, check it out under Administration on the right pane
First Day of school - September 5th
Each student will receive a welcome letter from school no later than 8/23/2015.
The Parents-Administration team meeting will be held on the first day of school, 9/5/2015, details will be in the welcome letter.
Look forward to seeing all coming students,
Admin team
Each student will receive a welcome letter from school no later than 8/23/2015.
The Parents-Administration team meeting will be held on the first day of school, 9/5/2015, details will be in the welcome letter.
Look forward to seeing all coming students,
Admin team