October 21, 2015
慈濟基金會西雅圖支會 二十二週年慶
13:00-14:00 西雅圖志業回顧展,環保義賣
14:00-15:00 幸福人生講座:精彩人生,日日歡喜
15:00-15:30 茶敘、環保義賣
Address: 15800 SE Newport Way, Bellevue, WA 98006
Tzu Chi Foundation Seattle Branch
22nd Anniversary Celebration
November 8th, 2015
13:00-14:00 Tzu Chi Seattle services exhibition, charity bazaar
14:00-15:00 Guest speakers, Ms Shiao-Yen Wu & Mr. Jamal Jabbar
15:00-15:30 Tea time, charity bazaar
15800 SE Newport Way, Bellevue, WA 98006
October 2, 2015
2015 學年度家長人文課要開始囉!!
甚受家長喜愛的家長人文課又回來了, 今年的人文課設計將拉近您與孩子的距離喔!
時間: 10/3/2015, 11:20-11:50 AM
地點: 學校餐廳
甚受家長喜愛的家長人文課又回來了, 今年的人文課設計將拉近您與孩子的距離喔!
你看過超人嗎? (有小禮物喔)
請您呼朋喚友, 一起來看超人!時間: 10/3/2015, 11:20-11:50 AM
地點: 學校餐廳
2015 school year humanity class for
parents is coming!!
Favored by parents the humanities class is
back, this year 's humanity courses will be designed to close up the bonding
between you and your children!
Have you ever seen a Superman?
Do not miss him or her!
Are You Curious how we lead your children
into the humanistic world?
Please come with your family and friends to
visit Superman !
Time : 11: 20-11: 50 AM on 10/3/2015
Location : School cafeteria
Small gifts will be given in the class,
Come join us !!!!!!