
November 18, 2015

Weather influence

Dear Families and Staff,

Due to the ongoing possibility of a power outage due to weather in our region, please check the web site, local news or your email messages in the morning to confirm that your school will be in session.  At this point in time, our school is open on Saturday, November 21, running a normal Saturday schedule.
-Admin Team

November 15, 2015

2015-16 Calendar Updates 行事曆變動


這星期六 我們餐廳說明行事曆變動以及學校即將舉辦的故事書義賣和新春活動的籌備事宜.

            行事曆變動 (you can find updated Calendar link on the right pane under  Adminstration)
1) 10/31/2015 由於Tillicum School 電腦作業出錯導致我們臨時停課而必須補課
2) 約於三週前接到Tillicum School 通知: 因為該校將於 5/21/2016 承辦 Bellevue School District 的音樂活動而要求我們調課.

上星期六學生沒上課, 是老師們的精進研習日, 行政團隊與老師們討論各種調課的可能性, 最後決定以 2/20 & 4/2 兩天取代 10/31 & 5/21 的課. 校方已經和 Tillicum School 確定換課的日期, 同時也緊急與School District 協調, 讓我們可以在 5/21借用Newport High school表演藝術中心舉辦結業典禮

校方竭盡所能面對這無法預知的變化球, 這是老師與行政團隊投票的共識決. 我們知道有些家庭可能已經訂下休假的計畫, 若是造成您們的不便, 我們深感抱歉, 請多包容.

另外, 近期有兩項活動, 也敬邀您的行動支持喔!
·         兒童故事書義賣: 預計於 12/5 舉行, 如果您家中有舊書, 歡迎您捐出義賣, 義賣所得將資助敘利亞難民孩子的教育
·         2/13/2016新春活動的前置策畫即將開始,  進一步的通知會陸續送出

感恩家長們一直以來的護持學校所有活動, 您的支持是我們繼續努力的最大動力.

我們, 所有的老師與學校的教育志工, 需要您的諒解與支持和鼓勵.

校長  黃銘銘暨行政團隊 感恩合十

November 1, 2015

Special announcement for school closure (10/31/2015)

親愛的老師 & 家長們:

今天早上(10/31)我們一發現學校沒開門就馬上聯繫管理員與 Tillicum 學校, 但一直沒收到回覆, 最後只好在 9:15 時宣布學校停課.
感恩所有家長的諒解, 並感恩所有老師配合校方處裡緊急事件.

校方到現在都還未收到 Tillicum 學校的回覆, 我們已經送函到 Tillicum 學校要求解釋, 並且要求商討補課的時間, 若有進一步的訊息會盡速與家長們聯繫.

請家長們幫忙向孩子們解釋, 並謝謝他們今天乖巧的接受這麼一個大的變化球, 同時我們也祈願學校的 custodian 一切都好, 沒有令人擔心的事發生.
今天會是大家難忘的一次萬聖節 !

提醒家長, 下星期六 11/7 Veteran's Day 不上課, 不過我們可以不必等那麼久才見面下星期日 11/8 是慈濟 22 周年慶歡迎家長帶孩子們一起與我們共同慶祝慈濟西雅圖 22 周年.

Dear Teachers, Parents and Students,

Hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween!

This letter is to address what has happened to our school this morning and why we have to call off the day in a short notice.

At 8:25 AM, when the volunteers arrived at school, we immediately realized that the whole school was still locked and dark. The custodian didn't come to the school to get it ready for us in terms of unlocking the classrooms and cafeteria and turning the heater on . The volunteers made several attempts to reach custodian and Tillicum staff but  without any success. 
At 8:55 AM, our principal made the call to ask all parents at the drop-off not to leave yet. 
After waiting for another 15 minutes, 9:10 AM, the custodian still didn't respond to the pager and the voice message we left. Principal had no choice but to announce the dismissal of school as the final decision.

We understand such an unexpected incident must have caused some inconvenience to all, we certainly hope you would also understand how frustrated we have been through while we failed to reach a responsible personnel of Tillicum.
A letter has been emailed to Tillicum to request for an explanation and to give us some options to make up the missed Saturday school hours. We will keep you all posted once the final schedule change is made.

On the other hand, we are worry about the custodian. We sincerely hope that there is nothing bad happened at the Custodian's end to prevent him/her from fulfilling the duty.
Please let students know how well they behaved and cooperated today, we are very proud of them. This is going to be a unforgettable Halloween memory for all of us, isn't it?

By the way, we would like to remind you that there will be no school next Saturday, 11/7 for the Veteran's day weekend as listed on school calendar. 

And yet, all of you are cordially invited to attend the 22nd Anniversary ceremony of Tzu Chi Seattle Branch office on 11/8. Details can be checked out at this post.

Don't forget to fall back one hour for Daylight Saving ends today!

Staff Team of Tzu Chi Academy