
March 19, 2016

2016-2017 school year vacation dates (tentative)

Since Bellevue School District is still developing their school calendar for next school year, we are still waiting for their final publication of calendar before we can finalize ours.

however, here are vacation dates for the 2016-2017 school year.  All other calendar details will be agreed upon as Bellevue school district proceeds their final calendar.

Winter Break:
December 19, 2016 – January 2, 2017.  School resumes on January 3, 2017.
Mid-Winter Break including Presidents Day:
February 20 – 24, 2017
Spring Break:
April 10 – 14, 2017

March 18, 2016

Traffic advise

I-405 will be reduced to 1 or 2 lanes starting tonight (3/18/2016) for the whole weekend. Affected sections varies. On I-405 between Bellevue and Bothell, there will be lane and ramp closures overnight Friday and overnight Saturday. More info can be found on .   
If you are coming from North, please be advised to leave home earlier for school tomorrow .

March 15, 2016


3/12 在Interlake High School舉辦的園遊會, 提供華州各華文學校一個聯誼的機會, 今年主辦單位華校聯誼會結合僑委會漢字之美的活動, 鼓勵學生創作文字藝術並且在園遊會中展出, 鼓勵學生在中文學習上另一種成就與樂趣. 我們學校參展作品超過40件, 真的好棒!

當天還有由黃郁文老師帶領注音班的表演, 活潑可愛, 我們的孩子穿著整齊的制服演出, 端莊有禮, 真令人以學校的一員為榮。

會場中我們還提供了素食義賣, 有壽司、蘿蔔糕、紫米飯、手工餅乾, 以及手作香皂, 這些都是家長們熱心提供的, 非常感恩所有協助的家長。同時, 我們學校也提供了手工藝靜思語冰箱貼跟語彙的孩子們結緣, 小小的但是很精巧, 做起來很容易, 讓孩子們有十足的成就感! 當天我們更邀請西雅圖支會靜思小築來設攤介紹靜思產品、環保毛毯, 更藉機向會眾介紹慈濟, 邀請有緣人一起來植福緣。我們還在攤位上放了一個愛心箱為台南地震災民募款, 也有不少人響應。

感恩所有在當天協助的家長、志工、老師和學生, 或許是愛心感動天, 那天天公作美, 直到活動結束前可是一點雨都沒有, 要護持愛心滿滿的活動哩!

活動日期/時間: 3/12/2016 12:00~2:30 PM
活動地點: Interlake High School
參加人數: 約800人
協助志工: 15
攝影/撰稿: 林佩華