
November 10, 2016

愛素食 樸食健康 大地平安


請響應今年全校一起來的素食日活動「食素  種樹  愛地球」

可以在這裡登記參加活動,響應一日素食,則本周六(11/12) 邀您與我們共用午餐

Adopt a Vegetarian Diet - First Vegetarian Day for 2016-2017

When we live a simple life and
Adopt a vegetarian diet,
The world will become a peaceful place.

Fresh vegetables and fruits provide abundant vitamins and minerals.
A vegetarian diet is the best way for us to live a long and healthy life.

Have you signup to join one day of Vegetarian Diet yet?
Need a veggie card? come to the cafeteria and ask for sister Demi!
Vow to have a one day Vegetarian diet, hurry to register online: here and have a delicious lunch with us on 11/12/2016!



今年的新春活動將於 1/28 舉行. 依往例, 新春活動除了孩子們表演, 我們希望家長可以提供攤位讓孩子們盡情過節.
往年的一些遊戲, 食物攤位都是令全校學生,家長,老師,志工讚不絕口的, 期望今年我們也能繼續帶給孩子們歡樂 !

請您於11/12星期六10:30到餐廳, 我們將開始第一步的籌劃工作.

感恩您 !

祝福您 !

/活動組  敬邀

November 3, 2016

Eating veggies, Planting trees and Loving the earth

Dear Parents,

We would like to announce that Tzu Chi Academy is kicking off a year-round event named “Eating veggies, planting trees and loving the earth.” 

Your child/children will soon receive a yellow coloring card of a tree either last Saturday or next week. Then detail information about this event can be found on the back of this card as well as the participation method in the document here (please click on it).

We would like to invite your children and your entire family to love our earth by a very simple way. Please adopt more vegetarian meals in your daily life.
·         For every vegetarian meal consumed, please color a circle in number sequence on the tree of your own card.
·         For every 5 circles colored in, please collect a tree sticker from the cafeteria and plant it on the poster. Please let your child/children bring this card every week, so we can help them to plant tree accordingly.
·         For parents and other family members participate, please pick up your own coloring cards from cafeteria. Rules to plant a tree sticker is the same as all students.

The next step is,

Tzu Chi Academy, Seattle will hold a Vegetarian Day once a month till next April.  When you vow to  follow a vegetarian diet for breakfast and dinner on the same day, school will provide you a complementary vegetarian lunch on that day in support of your actions to love the earth.  Please go online or to the Cafeteria to register.  The first Vegetarian Day is November 12th, 2016. (Registration online:

Hurry to commit and sign up today.

We are hoping out from this event, all children and family learn that loving the earth is everyone’s responsibility, easy to do, and fun to accomplish as a big family.

Together, we can make a change!

Tzu Chi Academy, Seattle