
September 29, 2017

玩具環保回收日 -- 9/30/2017




9/30  第三節 10:30 - 11:10 六年級、七年級
9/30  第四節 11:20 - 12:00 八年級、九年級、十年級

Dear Parents,
Our Awarding Station will be officially running on next week Oct 7, so we invite everyone to kindly donate unwanted toys/stationaries from home that are in good condition tomorrow (Sep 30th).
Also, parents of grade 6 and up, please remember to join the parent-teacher conference tomorrow.

9/30 Third Period 10:30 - 11:10 – Sixth & Seventh Grade
9/30 Fourth Period 11:20 - 12:00 – Eighth, Ninth, & Tenth Grade

September 27, 2017

9/16/2017 行政與家長座談會

2017 年西雅圖慈濟人文學校

西雅圖慈濟人文學校於九月九日熱熱鬧鬧的開學了,第一週上課,學校行政團隊們火力全開的服務學生,緊接著在第二週九月十六日立即舉行了行政團隊與家長的座談會。 今年的行政及家長座談會舉辦的時間比往年早,希望透過改變能在一開學就與家長們建立感情,打開交流的平台。

在校方及老師的熱情邀約下,九月十六日的座談會中,家長出席率創新高,共有超過一百二十位家長參加。 行政團隊除了例行的介紹學校的創校緣由、組織架構、學分認證、如何早退請假等一般行政事務外,也邀請了安全團隊爸爸 Dennis Su 跟大家說明校方在安全維護上的調整,讓學生及家長們在上下學時都能井然有序,在安全至上時有效率的進出校園。



座談會的尾聲, 輔導組銘銘師姊分享了自己的小故事,提醒家長們快樂的家庭中,要先有和諧的夫妻關係,孩子才會更快樂健康地成長。 銘銘師姊接著帶領全體家長們透過手指小活動,引導出縮小自我就能是讓自己與配偶的關係更緊密的小秘訣,與會家長在這樣的活動中圓滿第一次行政與家長座談會。

別忘了第一次與校長有約 - Principal's Coffee是十月14日早上9:40喔!

活動地點: 人文學校餐廳
活動日期與時間:9/16/2017, 9:40 ~ 10:20 AM
活動人數:家長120 + 人,  志工16人
活動攝影:Anita, 林佩華

September 14, 2017

行政通知 - 第一週

(English Version Follows)

第二週(9/16),學校將於9:40在餐廳和家長們一起行政座談。座談中,將會說明今年的活動及學校的近況。同時,請您支持慈濟Hurricane Harvey 的募款活動。 
9/16  第三節 10:30 - 11:10 一年級
9/16  第四節 11:20 - 12:00 幼幼班、注音班
9/23  第三節 10:30 - 11:10 二年級、三年級
9/23  第四節 11:20 - 12:00 四年級、五年級      
9/30  第三節 10:30 - 11:10 六年級、七年級
9/30  第四節 11:20 - 12:00 八年級、九年級、十年級

                                                                                                                                                校長  王慧婷  感恩合十

Dear parents,

It was a great seeing that many parents participated the school opening ceremony with the children last Saturday. Witnessing the beauty of the recited blessings aloud to ourselves, the people around us, and those in need was the perfect start into our school year.

The school is in great need for parents’ assistance and support of the following matters, we ask you to patiently finish reading the letter on the following issues we would like to address.

School campus security and safety have always been an imperative part of the school function. Due to the openness of the campus itself along with the scattered classroom locations, your child(ren)’s safety is one of our primary concerns. We are in great need of help and kindly ask for your active participation in the effort of providing a continual safe learning environment for our children for their duration at school.

For that reason, we have carefully assigned each parent’s volunteer role and duty based off your chosen volunteer slot at the time of registration. If you are no able to attend your assigned service time, we ask you to find replacement to fill your duty.

As a curtesy, we will send out an e-mail reminder ahead of time. We are aware of the need and effort for parents to make prior arrangements on Saturdays in advance, so we have place all the service times on the link below for your reference:


Again, we cannot emphasize enough how much we need for the parents to actively participate in volunteer service in the effort of keeping our school campus safe, together.

The second week (9/16), at 9:40 a.m., there will be an administrative panel discussion with the parents inside the school cafeteria. During the panel discussion, we will further explain this school year’s activities as well as providing important updates of our school. Meanwhile, please generously
continue your support to the Tzu Chi Hurricane Harvey fundraising activities.

The fourth week (9/30), we invite everyone to kindly donate unwanted toys from home that are in “good” condition to the school to our “Awarding Station.” The Awarding Station will be officially running on the fifth week.

This year's parent-teacher conference is divided into three different weeks. Please pay attention to your child's corresponding class and time to further learn what the teachers have prepared for the children this year:

9/16 Third Period 10:30 - 11:10 – First Grade
9/16 Fourth Period 11:20 - 12:00 – Preschool/Phonetic Classes
9/23 Third Period 10:30 - 11:10 – Second & Third Grade
9/23 Fourth Period 11:20 - 12:00 – Fourth & Fifth Grade
9/30 Third Period 10:30 - 11:10 – Sixth & Seventh Grade
9/30 Fourth Period 11:20 - 12:00 – Eighth, Ninth, & Tenth Grade

Thank you for your time and patience. It is with each parent’s earnest enthusiasm, passion, and involvement –  we are confident that, together, we can provide a continual loving and safe learning environment for our children.
If there is any question, you are welcome to contact school via email or visit us at the school cafeteria during school hours.

Hui Ting Wang

Principal, Tzu Chi Academy