
September 27, 2018

Second Week Review

Last week we held a meeting for parents presented by core staff. You can find the presentation file here.

Two highlights for this meeting are:
1) Parents need to fulfill parents volunteer rotation as promised during the registration process last spring. Parents who do not fulfill the hours will not be able to complete the registration for your students next school year.
2) Though there are more parking in the new facility, we would like to reserve front parking space for teachers and staff because they need to carry heavy materials to school. Please follow our traffic crew volunteers for drop-off/pick-up and parking.

Teachers and parents meeting started last week, from 2nd grade to 4th grade. This week will be our youngest classes to first grade. The last group of 5th to 10th grades will be next week. The exact time will be posted on the right pane of this website under "Upcoming Events" column.

Again, thanks for all your attention and support!

/Activity Team & Staff

September 18, 2018

9/15 新環境, 心歡喜 行三好

開學前校園勘查  教師助教會議熱身

2018年9月15日早上7:30就已經有安全團隊爸爸到學校,準備迎接一小時後即將到校的學生及家長們,要應付兩百多輛車進出停車的流量,團隊組長黃士榮爸爸早在一周前利用上班前的時間到學校觀察Tillicum middle school的交通情形,並且和學區Facility office聯繫協調和即將開始的外校足球團體溝通分配停車區,還為老師們製作停車證,構想周到。安全團隊有了這些萬全的準備,就是為了讓全校的家長能安全又快速接送孩子,當您走近校區看見這群穿著黃色背心的爸爸們,別忘了謝謝他們的辛勞喔!

色彩鮮明好環境  學習效率顯增明


孩子安全為首要  你我義務共守護


行政家長與親師  座談下周要登場


文: 林佩華
圖: 張立甲, 許庭彰, 鄭采恩, 周祖頤