
December 11, 2019

Please Follow & Like our Facebook page

Do you get school information without a lag?
Do you need to contact school and get response sooner?
Do you know we have a FB page?
Please visit our page and Like/Follow us!

December 9, 2019

Planning meeting - preparing for Chinese New Year event

The second meeting to prepare for New Year event will be held at 11:20 am on 12/14/2019.

The meeting minutes is online now.

Please come join the meeting and sign up for booth and/or auction helpers.

/Activity team

Urgent Notice: No School on 12/7/2019

Dear Tzu Chi Parents,
Bellevue School District and Tillicum Middle School just informed us this morning that they are going to have Advanced Learning Test in Tillicum Middle School on the coming Saturday, the December 7th. Therefore, we will not be able to use the entire building and have to cancel school at the last minute.
We are still working on rescheduling with Tillicum and will send out the update as soon as possible.

Parent Photography class will be cancelled as well.

Thank you again for your flexibility.
Tzu Chi Academy Admin Team

December 1, 2019

Photography class - Parents only

Dear parents of Tzu Chi Academy,

The third photography class will be held on 12/7, Coming Saturday @9am

You will get the prints seconds after photos are taken.  We will have hands on experience by taking pictures of our little student angels during the breaks in between classes. 

Seats are limited. Please register here.