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December 11, 2019
December 9, 2019
Planning meeting - preparing for Chinese New Year event
The second meeting to prepare for New Year event will be held at 11:20 am on 12/14/2019.
The meeting minutes is online now.
Please come join the meeting and sign up for booth and/or auction helpers.
/Activity team
The meeting minutes is online now.
Please come join the meeting and sign up for booth and/or auction helpers.
/Activity team
Urgent Notice: No School on 12/7/2019
Dear Tzu Chi Parents,
Bellevue School District and Tillicum Middle School just informed us this morning that they are going to have Advanced Learning Test in Tillicum Middle School on the coming Saturday, the December 7th. Therefore, we will not be able to use the entire building and have to cancel school at the last minute.
We are still working on rescheduling with Tillicum and will send out the update as soon as possible.
Parent Photography class will be cancelled as well.
Thank you again for your flexibility.
Tzu Chi Academy Admin Team
Bellevue School District and Tillicum Middle School just informed us this morning that they are going to have Advanced Learning Test in Tillicum Middle School on the coming Saturday, the December 7th. Therefore, we will not be able to use the entire building and have to cancel school at the last minute.
We are still working on rescheduling with Tillicum and will send out the update as soon as possible.
Parent Photography class will be cancelled as well.
Thank you again for your flexibility.
Tzu Chi Academy Admin Team
December 1, 2019
Photography class - Parents only
Dear parents of Tzu Chi Academy,
The third photography class will be held on 12/7, Coming Saturday @9am
The third photography class will be held on 12/7, Coming Saturday @9am
You will get the prints seconds after photos are
taken. We will have hands on experience by taking pictures of our little
student angels during the breaks in between classes.
Seats are limited. Please register here.
November 14, 2019
November 7, 2019
September 18, 2019
August 25, 2019
2019 學年度即將開學
開學通知預計會在8/31之後陸續寄出,已經註冊的家長如果您的聯絡email更動,請儘速與註冊組 ( 聯絡新的 email address.
****English Version****
The Welcome letter will be emailed on and after 8/31 to the emails when you register your students. Please contact registrar as soon as possible in case your email address is changed so you don't miss the notice from school.
First Day of School will be 9/14/2019.
****English Version****
The Welcome letter will be emailed on and after 8/31 to the emails when you register your students. Please contact registrar as soon as possible in case your email address is changed so you don't miss the notice from school.
First Day of School will be 9/14/2019.
June 7, 2019
Dear parents,
Tomorrow is the last day of
Tzu Chi Academy this year and please still send your students to school on
time at 9 am.
There are two important
events will affects parking and traffic around school area. So if you want to
get a parking spot close to the school and attend event on time, please plan to
arrive earlier.
- Please do not park on
school bus stalls in north lot.
- There
is a bike ride event close to Tillicum Middle School, so please exercise
patience and caution as you make your way to school.
Tonight, we just
finished setting up the Gym and get ready for the Closing Ceremony tomorrow.
All families are welcome to join the Ceremony start at 10:30. Please arrive
10 min earlier.
Best regards,
TCA Admin
April 17, 2019
April 2, 2019
2019 - 2020 在校生註冊將在春假後按照班級順序開始
家長為每位學生填寫網路註冊單 (link will
be emailed to parents no later than 4/15, please
check your mailbox/junk mails)
學費及制服費只收支票,抬頭:Tzu Chi
Ø 4/20 幼幼班、注音班
Ø 4/27 一至三年級
Ø 5/4
Current Students Registration procedure: All the following steps are required to complete
Submit online registration form
for each student (link will be emailed to all parents no later than 4/15,
please check your mailbox/junk mails)
to school on designated payment date, get a number ticket first so you don’t
have to stand in line.
Submit all payments to
registrar. Checks only, payable to TZU CHI
Parents need to fulfill the
service hours for the current school year, 6 hours per child.
Payement dates for each grade as
Ø 4/20 current students of pre-school to phonetic
Ø 4/27 current first grade to fourth grade
Ø 5/4 current fifth grade to ninth grade
New Students Registration
procedure: Registrar will contact the parents directly for further details.
photos for 3/23 event will be uploaded soon.
A new clip of last Saturday event was on DaAi News.
More photos will soon be uploaded (link on the right pane) to share.
More photos will soon be uploaded (link on the right pane) to share.
March 20, 2019
March 7, 2019
還記得二月初的大雪暴? 無常的氣候打亂了原本計畫好的新春活動, 這個活動一直是孩子和家長們最喜歡的活動, 同時還有五個班級認真練習的表演也被迫取消, 活動組為了不讓大家太失望, 經過協調奔走後, 在學校原已緊湊的課程表中擠出了一點時間, 讓準備表演的班級有機會演出, 讓早已準備好遊戲和獎品的攤位家長能提供他們的愛心、時間與精力, 為全校的師生舉辦賞春祝福園遊會!
時間: 早上10:15 班級表演, 10:45 園遊會開始
由於場地租借限制, 將不舉辦全校聚餐
敬邀闔家蒞臨, 陪伴您的孩子看表演逛園遊會!
活動組 感恩合十
時間: 早上10:15 班級表演, 10:45 園遊會開始
由於場地租借限制, 將不舉辦全校聚餐
敬邀闔家蒞臨, 陪伴您的孩子看表演逛園遊會!
活動組 感恩合十
February 7, 2019
School Closure due to snow storm
Dear Parents of TCA,
Thank you for your patience during the snowy and icy weather this week! Safety for our students and staff is our top priority. School will be closed on Saturday 2/9/2019 following mid-winter break 2/16 & 2/23.
Admin team is working on possibility to reschedule students’ most favored New Year celebration event. A further notice will be announced after we coordinate all booth volunteers, facility use, and related matters. For now, there will be no school or event on 2/9/2019.
Admin Team
February 6, 2019
Snow Policy
Happy Lunar New Year!
The following information is provided to you in the event that weather conditions require school closure. Per Bellevue School District policy, when BSD school is dismissed early or closed on Friday due to weather related conditions, all BSD facilities will also be closed on the weekend even if the weather conditions should improve.
We will update our blog and facebook page timely if any new decision is made.
School Blog
Facebook page
Facebook page
Stay Warm and Safe.
Tzu Chi Academy Admin
January 28, 2019
January 18, 2019
January 13, 2019