
February 7, 2020

Coronavirus prevention & body temperature check

Dear Parents,
You may already receive the message below from school. I am forwarding this email to ensure all parents have got this important message for this Saturday.
Recent developments of the 2019-nCov Virus “Coronavirus” has prompted Bellevue School District (BSD) to take higher measure of precaution. It is extremely important that families work with us during the next few weeks
Measures of Precautions
  • The Bellevue School District is recommending that all students, staff, and others returning from China stay home and away from others and monitor their health for 14 days.
  • If you have come into contact with people that have recently returned from a visit to China, we thank you in advance for helping to monitor for symptoms for the coronavirusWe (TCA) also ask you to stay at home for 14 days.
  • If your students have any symptoms, please keep them home.
Student absences will be excused for those who stay home due to this recommendationPlease contact your teacher for the absence.  
Enclosed please find the entire message from BSD for your references.

Temperature Check at Entrance
We will have temperature check at the entrances. Please note that the rear entrance by the baseball field will be closed. Only the main entrance and the side entrance by gym will be open for entering the school until further notice. Please plan to drop students off earlier and allow extra time to get into classrooms. 

Extra hand sanitizers and disinfect wipes are also prepared at office area to help keep school clean.
Let’s work together and outsmart this virus!
Tzu Chi Academy Admin Team