
May 27, 2020

Tzu Chi Happy Summer Camp 2020

美國慈濟總會教育基金會 敬邀

Dear Parents,
Due to the epidemic situation, Tzu Chi Happy Summer Camp will have both online virtual classes and campus physical classes this year. There will be two class sessions: Session A is 6/8-7/2 and Session B is 7/6-7/31. We will provide exciting and joyful online virtual classes in Session A and will provide safe and efficient physical classes in Session B (subjected to change), please see our attachment flyer for details. This year, we will give more discounts to parents: Registration Fee will be waived; Material Package will be provided for free; we will reserve Session B places for students who have registered Session A; and give the Early Bird discount $50 off to students who register both two sessions. For registration, please fill out the registration form, drop off or mail it to our Walnut campus with check.
Social distance cannot block the distance of heart. We will continue to provide high quality service, safe environment, diverse courses, and interesting activities to our students and parents. Stay-home couldnt stop learning. Come to enroll our Happy Summer Camp! We are here waiting for you!

May 17, 2020

Week 26 Announcement


            Pay to “Tzu Chi”, mail to “P.O. BOX 801, Mercer Island, WA 98040”
1.     助學金設立十個家庭名額,最後名額將依需要及本校財務狀況調整
2.     助學金申請的對象限於舊生,也就是目前的在校生才有資格申請
3.     提供疫情期間3/23 至今,符合领取聯邦政府失業救濟的家庭或相關的文件證明。
4.     依據家長領取失業救濟金額多寡及家中未成年孩子的人數,取前十個最需要的家庭,每名學生給予學雜費減免,只需繳交$220的學雜費。
5.     學生家長需主動提出申請,由校長及慈濟北加州分會執行長批准後執行。
6.     即日起以電子郵件向輔導組申請
7.     申請截止日期為6/6
三、台灣慈濟基金會本會及西雅圖支會關心此次疫情對美國慈濟家人的健康,特地寄來布口罩與人文學校結緣,目前只收到成人尺寸,每個家庭可以收到兩個布口罩,如果您需要請填寫調查表, 輔導組在收到您在調查表上的回覆後將儘速與您聯繫。

Dear Parents of Tzu Chi Academy,

We are appreciative for the slowing down of this pandemic situation and preparing for reopening. It is essential to maintain good personal hygiene, eat healthy and rest well for best immunity.

This week, there are three announcements to make,
First, make sure you complete your registration by completing the following two steps:
1.      Complete the online registration form
2.      Mail payment check to “Tzu Chi” at P.O. Box 801, Mercer Island, WA 98040
3.      Tuition summary is in this document.

Second, for families which are impacted badly by the pandemic and have difficulties to complete registration, it has brought the attention to US Tzu Chi Buddhist Foundation. Therefore, we are offering a special COVID-19 scholarship for families in need. The details of this scholarship are,
1.      A total of ten families will be offered for the scholarship, the final number of qualified families will be determined by the financial capacity of our school.
2.      Applicants have to be our students of current school year (2019-2020) .
3.      Parents of applicants provide proof of unemployment income (UI) or expanded unemployment income(EUI) by state and/or federal since 3/23/2020.
4.      The scholarship receivers will be determined by the family income from UI/EUI and number of students in such family. Each receiver will be authorized a lower rate of tuition at $220.
5.      Parents initiate the application on behalf of their students. The final decision will be given by principal and the director of Northwest region of Tzu Chi Foundation.
6.      Email, attention to Sister Min-Min to initiate the application.
7.      Application due date is 6/6/2020.

Last, we have received some cloth facial masks in adult size to distribute to families who need masks. If you need a couple cloth masks, feel free to fill out the survey form Sister Min-Min will follow up as soon as she receives your request via the form.

Again, remind you to wash hands, wearing masks in public area, avoid touching your face when your hands may be contaminated.

祝福大家,blessings to all.

May 1, 2020


下學年度的註冊通知已經在上周六 4/25發出,如果您還沒有收到的話,在聯絡註冊組之前,請先在您的垃圾郵件中尋找看看,若有任何問題,請以電子郵件告知 (,註冊組就會儘快回覆。


如果有疑問可以先連絡註冊組 (,確定後再寄出支票