
November 22, 2020

November 23, 2020

 Dear TCA Families, 

Even with all the chaos that has presented us since February, there is still so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.  We know this is not a year full of typical celebrations and gatherings with friends and families, but we hope you are still able to take a moment to appreciate how far we have come this year.

Recently, we have received a notice from the Bellevue School District that our accreditation are not being recognized for language credits per state OSPI requirement. Therefore, we will no longer plan on renewing our school’s for academic language accreditation after our certification is due at the end of June 2021. Instead, students must take the World Language Competency test or the AP Chinese exam to earn foreign language credits. We understand the importance of education for our students, and the academic team has been working hard to integrate the language tests into our teaching curricula to best prepare the higher-level students.

For more information, please read the attached document in this email. You can also visit our school blog here.  You might also visit the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction website here.   


Happy Thanksgiving!

Tzu Chi Administration Team

November 14, 2020


***if you missed the coffee time, you can locate the presentation file under the '

行政訊息 Families & Students' section. ***



敬邀家長來和校長聊聊天, 我們將介紹華州教育局對外語學分最新的規定.
The second Principal's coffee will be held at 10: 30 AM via Zoom meeting on 11/14/2020. All parents are cordially invited. The meeting link will be emailed to your registered email addresses by 11/12/2020.
During this coffee time, we will introduce the new rules of world language credits for high school students per OPSI of Washington state.
Look forward to meeting you in the cloud again.

Time: 10:30 AM on 11/14/2020 (PST)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 654 064 4633
Passcode: goVeggie

行政團隊 感恩合十

November 2, 2020

A different Halloween - Flea Market of Honor store & 2019 Attendance Award






十月初,景郡(King County)的疫情趨於穩定,學校決定舉辦一個小型的活動,讓學生可以來兌換榮譽卡的獎品,領取全勤獎盃,同時讓孩子在這天可以玩一玩萬聖節,讓童年不留白。志工仔細閱讀州政府及市府的團聚規定,嚴謹的安排動線,並且讓家長填寫參與的預估時間,以便控制排隊人數在安全範圍內。活動在會所的戶外進行,志工在排隊的入口處為每個人量體溫、遞淨手液、每一站都有淨手液以及消毒噴霧,由志工隨時清潔被觸摸過的地方。
















Event Album here.

活動日期: 202010 31 2-4 PM

地點: 西雅圖支會會所戶外

參加人數: 210

志工人數: 38

三合一: 溫心華  吳育儒  林佩華