
March 3, 2011

蔬國護照推廣健康講座 (二)

時間真是一轉眼的飛逝距上次蔬國護照回娘家 已經又過了兩個月大家都好嗎 ? 希望上禮拜的雪沒有造成大家的不便二月底的西雅圖還下大雪也是溫室效應吧!  因此讓我們更思念願意以吃素來對抗全球暖化的蔬國居民們 3/19請你們回娘家喔 !
西雅圖慈濟人文學校關心地球的生態健康更關心您的健康。3/19星期六我們邀請到林正忠師兄的公子: 林泰倫博士來告訴我們如何安全用藥。
講題: 如何安全用藥 治療及保健藥品的安全使用常識
時間: 10:00am- 11:00am
地點: 學校餐廳 Cafeteria

林泰倫博士小檔案: 畢業於Rutgers University School of Pharmacy藥學博士,在Cleveland Clinic完成兩年的藥物療法訓練後,在芝加哥的Rush University Medical Center擔任器官移植中心的專員。目前任職於Auburn Regional Medical Center門診部藥物主任及華大藥學研究所講師。
Title of presentation:   Medication Safety
 Goals: Increase knowledge of safe medication use
 Objectives -
·         Explain medication related problems
·         Discuss the importance of understanding your medications
·         Describe high risk medications
·         Increase awareness of dietary/herbal supplements
 Tyrone received his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Rutgers University School of Pharmacy. Subsequently, he completed a 2 year Pharmacotherapy Residency at the Cleveland Clinic.  After his residency his first practice was a Transplant Clinical Specialist at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. Currently, he is the Clinical Supervisor at Auburn Regional Medical Center and a Clinical Instructor at the University of Washington School of Pharmacy.

 歡迎您帶您正在服用的藥品 (眼科內科外科不同醫生給的不同藥) 或保健品來向林博士請教。