
June 6, 2011

6/11 - 畢業典禮暨結業式, 趣味拔河比賽, 蔬國護照回娘家

6/11 本校將舉行第五屆畢業典禮暨在校生結業式, 典禮後將有趣味拔河比賽, 同時感謝家長護持疏國護照, 響應素食環保救地球, 比賽後備有簡單的素三明治與小朋友及家長結緣, 這周六同一時間, 9:00~12:00學校見喔!

The 5th graduation ceremony will be held on 6/11, the last day of school. The end of year school assembly is also integrated in the ceremony. There will be a fun tug-a-war competition after the ceremony. In order to show our appreciations for your support in saving our environment by being vegetarians, a snack-size sandwich will be served after the competition.
The ceremony begins promptly at 9:30 am. Please do bring your students to school by 9:00 am as usual.