
September 23, 2012

Toy Recycling Event - 玩具環保開跑

也請您在那一天留下來與我們一起整理玩具,我們會需要更多的人手來整理玩具,或捐到榮譽商店,或捐給 Goodwill,或作其他慈善用途,我們希望延長玩具的物命。

·         行政組  感恩合十

One of students favorite place at school is the Award shop. We will kick off the Toy Recycling event next Saturday, 9/29. All toys received will either go to our Award shop, Tzu Chi charity programs, or Goodwill. Please help your students clean up toys they no longer play with and bring them to the school cafeteria on 9/29. We also need a lot of helping hands to sort donated toys. Students who bring toys to school will receive an award card as our way of saying “thank you.”
With this giving and sharing experience, our children will develop a sense of caring and compassion towards others.

·         Administration Team