
October 3, 2012

Free Flu Shot service

The flu season is coming. Tzu Chi Medical team will start the process of giving influenza shots - free of charge.  Walgreens’ pharmacists will come to the School location to give the shots.   

Due to the liability and complications, the service is limited to adults only. Adult family members and friends are welcome.

Flu Vaccine event -
Location -Cafeteria
Date - 10/13/2012
Time - 9:30am to 11:30am
*Walgreen is our sponsor for the flu shot services.


今年西雅圖慈濟人醫會將於 10 13 早上 9:30 – 11:30在人文學校的餐廳舉辦感冒流感預防針的注射, 不但可以免了你往返醫療診所的時間, 而且一切免費.
這是 Walgreen 關懷社區的活動當天他們的醫療人員將會提供 100 劑的注射因此請於 13 日早上儘早到餐廳填寫表格.   此次服務只提供給家長.

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