
October 11, 2012

More on the coming Halloween Event


今年慈濟人文學校除了舉辦Halloween Costume Swap Activity之外,學校也希望藉由此次的活動讓孩子學習分辦資源回收物的類別,例如玻璃、紙、鋁罐、塑膠類等。
請各位家長鼓勵您的孩子利用家中的廣告紙,辨識並剪下三至四種不同類別的資源回收物, 並於10/27/2012攜帶至學校。所有的孩子將會在萬聖節活動中,學習辨識和分類廣告紙中資源回收物的類別。

Dear Parents,
In addition to the "Halloween Costume Swap Activity", Tzu Chi Academy would like to take this Halloween event as an opportunity to teach our kids to recycle, identify, and sort different recyclable items such as glass, paper, metal, plastic, and etc.
Please ask your kid(s) to identify 3 to 4 different types of recyclable items from any grocery store flyers and bring them to School on 10/27/2012. Kids will be asked to sort out the recyclable items based on the pictures shown on the flyers. Thank you!

Halloween Activity Committee