
November 23, 2012

慈濟美國總會執行長轉達 上人的感恩與祝福



感恩 上人連續三週不斷的關懷、陪伴與指導,讓這次的賑災進行得更加順利。今天連線會議中, 上人對全美志工菩薩們,合和互協,全心全力進行賑災工作,再次表達感恩之意,也祝福大家感恩節平安,並且一定要末學代為轉達。誠摯以此電郵,轉達 上人對全美的感恩與祝福,請全美分會執行長、志業體主管、合心組員與組隊長們,也代為轉達 上人的祝福與感恩。

謹此也以思賢爸爸的溫馨故事與大家分享。思賢師伯今天在發放現場陪伴關懷,由於現場非常忙碌,他也忙得出汗了,於是脫下背心,隨手放在 上人法相的下方,發放結束後,有師姊開玩笑的向思賢爸說,今天 上人都幫忙照顧他的背心。思賢爸很有智慧的回答, 上人是照顧大家的心。的確,有 上人的指導與祝福,大家更有信心與動力。


最後,請全美的菩薩們,讓我們一起以最恭敬虔誠的心,感恩我們最敬愛的 上人,恭祝 上人法體安康,常駐世間,法輪常轉。


gratefully, Han

Dear Tzu Chi USA sisters and brothers, In the last few weeks we have been working very hard for Hurricane Sandy relief. Thank you!

We are grateful for Master's Cheng Yen's continuous company and guidance, which enable us to bring the aid distribution to more needy survivors.

Today, at our online video meeting, Master expressed her gratitude for our teamwork and dedication! Master asked me to relay her deep gratitude and blessings to all of us on this Thanksgiving Day!As we move further with our relief efforts, we realize the damage is more serious and the people in need are more than we first expected. We have provided a US$600 cash card heac to more than 10,000 families. More needy families are expected.

At this special occasion of the year, as we gather with our family and friends, let's share the stories of love and gratitude with them and encourage them to extend a little bit of their helping hands for the needy families. As one of our volunteers said, every penny counts!
Let's thank for a peaceful year and pray for peace for all the people in the East Coast and around the world.

May you all have a joyous and peaceful Thanksgiving Day!

CEO, Tzu Chi USA

The latest update on Hurricane Sandy relief efforts is now online at: