
November 7, 2012

Street Fundraising for Hurricane Sandy Victims

西雅圖慈濟志工將與美國各地志工在這周末為桑迪颶風災民發起街頭募款,西雅圖地區募款點在中國城Lam's Seafood, 好好超市, 北西雅圖大華超市, Bellevue 百佳超市

募款日期/時間是: 11/10, 10:00AM - 3:00 PM & 11/11, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

*Bellevue Square Macy's & Lincoln Square 前 (Bellevue Way). We will be serving at this location only on 11/11 Sunday (10AM-3PM).

If you are willing to do the fundraising with us on 11/11, please contact school staff volunteer at and we will contact you for further information.

慈濟賑災募款秉持專款專用原則,目前已經發放毛毯一萬條,現值卡200萬元,以及數千份熱食送達災民手中,捐款給慈濟, 為您送愛心。 感恩!