
April 9, 2013

讓家庭和睦的信任與實踐 - 父母、孩子、環境 Trust is the Key to achieving family harmony






Dear Parents,
You’re invited to attend a thought-provoking talk on Saturday 4/20, 10:30AM - 11:45AM, at the Tzu Chi Academy cafeteria, on the topic of “how to achieve family harmony thru mutual trust".
Our special guest speakers, Sister Li-Shan and Brother Pohjoo, will be flying to Seattle from California's Silicon Valley.  Sister Li-Shan is a psychotherapist, and her husband a computer engineer.  They are a much admired couple sharing the Tzu Chi spiritual path.

In the aftermath of the Connecticut school gun rampage last December, Master Cheng Yen made several references to this tragedy in the
Winter 2012 volume of “Master Cheng Yen’s Daily Journal”.  Master commented on the mental problems of the American youth and hoped the spread of Tzu Chi humanitarian education will help develop a healthier mind.
Responding to Master’s message, a number of Silicon Valley parents concerned about the impact of education on the youth have already decided to enroll their children at Tzu Chi Academy, or have them join Tzu Chi Youth Group.
Tzu Chi’s nurturing environment lets students grow up surrounded by love and gratitude.  As their anxiety levels are reduced, so is the chance for delinquent behavior.  The parents’ interaction with Tzu Chi also helps improve their parenting skills.  This is exactly the point that Sister Li-Shan will be sharing with us.
Sister Li-Shan has interned as a psychotherapist at local schools since last year.  She works one-on-one with students in trying to identify the root causes of juvenile delinquency.  In the process, she discovered that school shootings did have early warning signs, indicating the potential for violent behaviors by at-risk youth.
A former Tzu Chi Youth leader herself, Sister Li-Shan compared the significance of Tzu Chi humanitarian education to “a ray of hope in the American education system”.

We wish to see more healthy minds and happy families in the world.  Come join us for this talk and bring back helpful tips to your family!

With Gratitude,
Tzu Chi Academy