
December 22, 2013



參與人數: 16 人
地點: 西雅圖人文學校401人文教室
日期: 2013/11/16
時間: 12:30 - 14:00
攝影、撰文: 林佩華

December 16, 2013

Parent volunteers helped with wrapping gifts for teachers & TAs

After a whole week of freezing weather, the temperature rose to near 48 degrees on Saturday, 12/14. We called for parents to help wrapping gifts for teachers and TAs, and for Tillicum Middle school staff. Just to express our appreciations.

經過一週來的嚴寒天氣, 週六上課日氣溫總算回升了一些, 再加上或許是放假在即, 心情上也輕鬆許多。志工們準備了蘋果與橘子,號召愛心媽媽們幫忙包裝,要分送給老師、助教以及Tillicum Middle School的老師們。



December 9, 2013


v  在海燕颱風重創菲律賓後的週六上課日(十一月十六日),我們全校師生齊聚於餐廳為菲律賓災民祈禱,期許將振動的祝福心聲送到菲律賓去。並於隔週上課日開始在學校進行募款
截至 12/7 人文學校共募得善款$3,399.21,其中的$1,395.22由家長書法班的學員踴躍響應「八分飽,兩分助人好」的呼籲而募集。
感恩一年感恩班的學生們點滴匯聚愛心善款共計 $140.13



December 5, 2013

Inclement weather procedure

The following information is provided to you in the event that weather conditions require closures of our buildings.  Our primary concern is to consider the safety of all concerned (custodial staff and community user group).  At the same time we want to ensure that everyone is “on the same page”.

If there is an early dismissal on Friday or if school is closed for the entire day, this means that all school district buildings will be closed to all activities for the entire weekend.

If weather conditions are normal on Friday and the road conditions become hazardous or it snows on the weekend, this would also require that our buildings be closed to all activities.  Again, our primary interest is safety of staff and community. 

For additional information please refer to the EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS BULLETIN which is available on the District web page at