Parent volunteers helped with wrapping gifts for teachers & TAs
After a whole week of freezing weather, the temperature rose to near 48 degrees on Saturday, 12/14. We called for parents to help wrapping gifts for teachers and TAs, and for Tillicum Middle school staff. Just to express our appreciations. 經過一週來的嚴寒天氣, 週六上課日氣溫總算回升了一些, 再加上或許是放假在即, 心情上也輕鬆許多。志工們準備了蘋果與橘子,號召愛心媽媽們幫忙包裝,要分送給老師、助教以及Tillicum Middle School的老師們。 媽媽們學著如何包裝一致整齊的禮物,蘋果象徵"平安",橘子代表"吉祥",禮雖輕,卻代表了深深的祝福與感恩。