
April 26, 2015

誠摯邀請您參加 5/9 感親恩活動

Dear Parents of Tzu Chi Academy,


請攜帶您的邀請函, 座位卡, 護手乳液, 以及孩子的愛心竹筒來體驗學校行政團隊策畫的
 "行善行孝不能等" 的大人文課.
當天的竹筒回娘家活動,請幫忙孩子們把竹筒帶到會場, 因為孩子們要奉茶,不方便自己攜帶竹筒.
感恩家長們護持學校活動. 請來接受孩子們為您奉上的一杯茶.

We cordially invite you to 2015 Appreciation Ceremony. The invitation was sent home with your youngest child on April 25.

Please bring the invitation card and seating tickets to join us this humanity class.
Please bring hand lotion to receive the service from your student and help your children to carry their bamboo piggy bank with you, so they can focus on preparing their tea offering.

Thank you for supporting this school event. Look forward to seeing you on May 9th.