
May 14, 2015

5/9 以誠以情獻感恩, 捐款協助尼泊爾

Dear Parents of Tzu Chi Academy


感恩孩子們獻上他們一年來每天積存的善款也感恩家長們慷慨解囊幫助尼泊爾的災民目前紙幣的統計已達 $4,259.85  

Thank you for attending the 2015 Appreciation Ceremony. I hope you all feel the respect and appreciation that your child wanted to express by offering you the tea.

Thank you to the students for bringing back the bamboo piggy bank and thanks to parents' generous donation for helping the victims of Nepal earthquake. 
We counted a donated bill total of $4,259.85, and we will count the coin donation this Saturday, and will soon be able to announce the total donation we collected on May 9th.

If you have 3 minutes, please pray for Nepal.

If you have only 30 seconds, please send your love and care.

If you want to know how Nepal looks now, the first 4 minutes of below link will show you.

If you want to know how the Tzu Chi Foundation used your donation, please let us know. We are more than happy to keep you in touch with the Tzu Chi relief action in Nepal.

Thank you for trust and support of the Tzu Chi Academy.