
September 16, 2015


(toys collecting & sorting, help needed)
9/26 榮譽商店開幕 Station Opening


榮譽商店將在 9 26日正式開幕.

Dear beloved Parents,
First of all, thank you all for supporting the Award Store by donating your cherishable toys and turning it into a reborn toy for another child.  We will be holding a “toy recycling day” this coming Saturday, 9/19/2015.  As you are sorting through your donations, please pick items that are in good shape, clean and safe to others. 
We encourage you to work with your kid(s) on this project, with this giving and sharing experience, our children will develop a sense of respect, caring and compassion towards others. We also need a lot of helping hands to sort donated toys, please let us know if you are able to participate. Students who bring toys to school will receive an award card as our way of saying “thank you.”
Sincerely yours
Award Store volunteers

證嚴上人教導我們, 清貧能致福. 清是清流而非清苦, 貧是歸樸而非貧窮. 心若少欲念, 生活盡量簡樸, 日子就會很好過. 不僅不浪費也不會製造大量垃圾, 為我們的地球盡一份愛護的力量.
恭敬摘錄證嚴上人的法語與大家共勉之. (清貧致福 p107)
1.     不拿: 不需要的物品, 即使免費也不拿.
2.     不買謹慎購物, 不浪費物資.
3.     不過量: 不過量購買, 儲藏過久, 容易忘記使用或過期.
4.     共用不常用的物品, 大家可以互通共用.
5.     沒有也行: 不要有非要不可的念頭.