
January 19, 2016


明天是農曆大寒, 過了大寒就準備要過新年了

人文學校從個把月前就已經開始籌備新春迎新年的活動, 今年不但有往年熱門的遊戲, 還增加了新的遊戲, 年節食品, 和環保活動, 寓教於樂, 更讓在海外長大的孩子沾沾年節的氣氛, 嚐嚐年節的食品, 還可以寫付春聯帶回家貼.



date: 2/13
time: 9:30 - 12:00 AM
at School gym

Year of Monkey is approaching, here at Tzu Chi Academy Seattle, parents & volunteers are working hard to plan out the celebration event for all of our kids. There will be lots of game & food booths, food items sale for fund raising, games to learn recycling correcting, games to show caring.

Your family is cordially invited!

- 西雅圖慈濟人文學校  敬邀




第一場:一月二十四日(星期日) 上午十點 三十分中國城社區中心 ( Chinatown Community Center  719 8th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98104 Time: 10:30AM-12:00PM)

第二場: 一月三十日(星期日) 上午十點三十分慈濟西雅圖Bellevue會所( 15800 SE Newport Way, Bellevue, WA 98006Time: 10:30AM-12:30PM)

第三場:二月二十七日(星期六)  下午二時假Asia Pacific Cultural Center (4851 S. Tacoma way Tacoma WA 98409 Time2:00PM 4:00PM)

誠摯邀請您~一起來感恩過去一年的平安,匯聚善念祈求來年的順遂;領  證嚴上人的祝福。與會者將獲得每人一份福慧紅包及每戶一份福慧包,會後有素食午齋結緣。

January 12, 2016

1/16 第三次家長與行政座談說明

親愛的家長們: ( English version will follow)

快樂的寒假結束後, 接著將是連續上課的第二學期, 首先登場的是慶祝中國新年的新春活動喔!

相信大多數的家長都知道 Tillicum School 今年暑假要拆掉重建, 所以我們新的學年度必須換學校, 再加上今年有許多的變數, 希望您們都有收到學校新的行事曆, 為了讓大家更清楚學校今明年的動向, 校方敬邀大家再次到學校來聽取說明並交流溝通, 讓家長們能很清楚的知道您孩子在學校的活動, 可以和孩子們同步成長.

99%的孩子都很喜歡爸爸媽媽到學校來幫忙, 或是和他們一起上學, 孩子們感受到爸媽對他們教育的重視而願意主動學習!
這週六, 1/16, 早上 10:30am 敬邀大家到學校餐廳來參與校務說明會, 我們會和家長們說明接下來學校的一些活動以及下學年學校的計畫

期待見到您 !

Dear parents,
It was great to see all our students come back to school last Saturday.
Due to upcoming events, school calendar and foreseeing changes in school, we would like to invite you all to attend another Parents & administrators meeting on coming Saturday, 1/16 10:30 AM, at school cafeteria.

Being clear about what your students are doing at school shows strong support your student’s education. It is positive that your students greatly benefit from your support and presence at school as well.

here is the re-cap of the meeting for all parents,
date: 1/16
time: 10:30 AM
location: cafeteria

Gratefully and look forward to seeing you,
-Admin team

In life, not all balls are good throws. Only a seasoned player can make a hit every time.
- Jing Si Aphorism by Master Cheng Yen -

January 5, 2016

1/9/2016 恢復上課

經過了幾週的假期後, 要恢復上課了, 相信大家都已充好電, 準備好要回到學校繼續學習了吧!.

接下來的幾週我們將緊鑼密鼓地籌備2/13的新春活動, 我們還需要很多家長的幫忙一起來完成這個讓孩子過年的活動, 如果您可以幫忙, 請到餐廳找行政教育志工師姐們報名.

近幾天學校還會有進一步的通知 (Email), 說明今年的活動與明年的動向, 請您要關注一下您的郵電信箱喔!