
January 19, 2016


明天是農曆大寒, 過了大寒就準備要過新年了

人文學校從個把月前就已經開始籌備新春迎新年的活動, 今年不但有往年熱門的遊戲, 還增加了新的遊戲, 年節食品, 和環保活動, 寓教於樂, 更讓在海外長大的孩子沾沾年節的氣氛, 嚐嚐年節的食品, 還可以寫付春聯帶回家貼.



date: 2/13
time: 9:30 - 12:00 AM
at School gym

Year of Monkey is approaching, here at Tzu Chi Academy Seattle, parents & volunteers are working hard to plan out the celebration event for all of our kids. There will be lots of game & food booths, food items sale for fund raising, games to learn recycling correcting, games to show caring.

Your family is cordially invited!

- 西雅圖慈濟人文學校  敬邀