
February 4, 2016



經過兩三個月的策劃與籌備, 眾所期待的新年活動就快到了.
為了讓孩子們在海外能沾點過新年的氣氛, 家長、老師以及行政志工卯足了勁籌備設計此次活動的內容.

今年的活動又要比前更熱鬧有趣, 請大家一定不要錯過喔!
下週六(2/13)早上 --我們一起迎金猴, 祝福大家"猴"力四射!!

Dear Tzu Chi Academy Family,

We are very exciting for the upcoming Chinese New Year event which will be held on 2/13/2016, next week!!!!!

Administration team, volunteers and enthusiastic parents have switched into full gear to pull together each pieced of planned puzzles, teachers of classes and students practice their performance every week. These efforts are all for YOU - our beloved students and families.

Do join us to welcome the year of Gold Monkey!

below is the booth assignment for the event for your reference,

2016/2/13 booth assignment
