
February 14, 2016


親愛的家長們 (English version will follow)

相信大家昨天都過了一個快樂春節. 祝大家今天情人節快樂 !

孩子們昨天成功的演出讓您們很驕傲吧 ! 感恩指導老師以及班級老師耐心, 細心, 用心, 這麼有愛心的教育我們大家的孩子. 我們的老師都是最棒的.
感恩所有攤位的家長, 64 位服務的家長, 24 TA, 20 位老師, 再加上我們的志工, 每一個人都是昨天 20 個攤位成功展出的最大功臣 !. 

特別感恩Wendy 媽媽和啟榮爸爸, 他們兩位都是中醫師, 每年他們都會帶著他們的一群好夥伴, 也是我們的家長, 一起提供年節食品給全校學生品嘗, 這兩年我們的家長也跟進品嘗的隊伍, 使得場面更熱鬧, 也加重了他們的工作量. 深深的感恩這群香積菩薩在簡陋的"廚房"毫無怨尤, 默默的為大家服務. 尤其今年由於我的疏忽, 請大家帶環保碗筷的宣導有點匆促, 因此成效不大, 以致剛開始時食物區的場面有點失控, 很對不起大家, 下次我們一起努力改進. 讓我們每年都可以繼續享受美食, 又可貼心的照顧到食品攤位的家長以及事後洗碗筷的志工
感恩的話說不盡, 附上活動精彩畫面, 家長們在為孩子的表演感到驕傲之時, 也為自己攤位的演出自傲一下吧 ! 校方感恩也需要每一位的繼續護持.

對了, 昨天舞獅臨時跑出來的那隻逗趣的猴子是Alex 爸爸, 他是我們學校的大寶貝 ! 感恩他每年都會設計出新的遊戲, 讓孩子們很興奮.

感恩大家護持食品義賣, 也感恩大家慷慨解囊援助台南地震救災, 昨天我們募得 $1,600, 加上食品義賣 $500. 還有 Microsoft Match Program $260, 再加上我們全校親師生的虔心祈禱, 祈望能稍緩鄉親的憂愁, 共聚福緣, 轉災禍為平安 !
募款持續中, 二月的每個星期六我們都會有捐款箱在學校餐廳的行政辦公桌, 請大家把愛心付諸行動, 讓我們的鄉親們感受遠方的我們送去的溫暖與滿滿祝福.

祝福大家猴年快樂 ! 天天快樂 ! 敬邀下星期六 10:00 在學校餐廳感恩茶會.

Dear Parents of Tzu Chi Academy Seattle

Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope that everyone had a fun event at school yesterday. You must be very proud of your student’s performance. Big thanks to all the teachers and helping parents who led the students to chant Chinese poems, sing songs, cultivating Qigong and Lion dance.

We had 20 booths provided by 64 parents, 24 TAs and 20 teachers in addition to all staff volunteers. They met weekly to plan the games, build the stations, and purchase all goodies over two months, all for the students of the school. What a great love from them!

I would also like to show my sincere gratitude to Wendy and her husband, both Chinese medicine practitioners, and their team who have supported and provided free food for the whole school kids during new year events in past five years. And they are still very passionate about their offers. We thank and love you, Wendy team!

Another parent that kids love the most is Alex who started making Angry bird two years ago, then he invented new game each year. I believe all kids played and loved his games. Thank you Alex, such an amazingly handy, creative and fun dad to have,

On side of fun activities and booths, we had a successful food sale fundraising yesterday. We made $500 from food sale and received $1600 donation plus $260 Microsoft matching for the victims of Taiwan earthquake happened about 9 days ago. Thanks for your kindness, caring and sharing.

We will continue accepting donation for Taiwan and praying for the peace in the world! Again, have a great Valentine ’s Day and see you all next Saturday for thank you party at school cafeteria at 10:00 am.

Min-Min and staff team

performance video made by TzuChi three-in-1 team, all copyrights are reserved, not for distribution.
快樂小天地, 1st half recording