
April 1, 2016

下學年度註冊 - 4/16 在校生先註冊, 5/1以後名額開放

明天4/2要上課. 下星期六4/9放假.

提醒大家4/16在校生與明年幼幼班新生開始註冊網上註冊連結將於4/13送出請留意您的email 訊息.  

請家長上網註冊, 並於4/16到校繳學費. 4/30完成註冊可以享受$10折扣. 校方將於5/1開放所有名額給插班生.

Dear Parents of Tzu Chi Academy,

This is a courtesy reminder for the following two events:
1)       that there will be school session tomorrow. We will have spring break next week (4/9).
2)      The registration for next school year begins on 4/16 for current students and new pre-school students. When you complete the registration by 4/30, you get a $10 discount. On and after 5/1, all space available will open to new students on waiting list.

Please note:
All registration forms are online. The registration link will be emailed to you on 4/13. If your contact email address has changed, please send an email to and subject “update contact email” with your student’s class and name in the message body before 4/10. If you do not receive the link on 4/13, please first check your junk box, or come to school on 4/16 or send an email to above email address, then we will resend the link to you.

Below is the procedure of registration,
1.       Follow the link in the email which will be sent to you on 4/13.
2.       Enter your child’s name and birthday to enter your account
3.       Complete the registration data
4.       Submit
5.       Bring your check to registrar during school session (every Saturday until 5/14). You will have to mail the check to Tzu Chi office after 5/14.
6.       If you complete the registration (online & payment) before 4/30, you get $10 discount per student.

If you have any question, you are welcome to contact us at

/Registration office