September 18, 2016
September 15, 2016
2016學年度歡喜開學 開學歡喜
和大家分享一句證嚴法師的靜思語: “勇於承擔才有改變的機會”。感恩大家每個星期六來承擔與付出,讓我們的學校越變越好。
September 4, 2016
First Day of School Notice
2016-2017 開學通知
Welcome Letter (English version follows)
Welcome Letter (English version follows)
大家好!新的學年又要開始了,西雅圖慈濟人文學校定於九月十日開學,請於當日至Ringdall Jr. High (11650 SE 60th ST., Bellevue, WA 98006) 上課,上課時間是 9:00AM-12:00PM。基於維護學生安全為由,請每位學生務必穿著制服上衣,藍色長褲,並攜帶本通知書,女生請梳整頭髮別上有校徽的藍色髮飾,志工將憑通知書或制服辨識後,方可讓你進入教室區上課。 鑒於學生安全與教室秩序的因素,本校不開放旁聽或試聽,如有見到不能辨識為本校學生或成人在校園走動時,請大家能協助引導到餐廳,由行政志工負責接待。
大家好!新的學年又要開始了,西雅圖慈濟人文學校定於九月十日開學,請於當日至Ringdall Jr. High (11650 SE 60th ST., Bellevue, WA 98006) 上課,上課時間是 9:00AM-12:00PM。基於維護學生安全為由,請每位學生務必穿著制服上衣,藍色長褲,並攜帶本通知書,女生請梳整頭髮別上有校徽的藍色髮飾,志工將憑通知書或制服辨識後,方可讓你進入教室區上課。 鑒於學生安全與教室秩序的因素,本校不開放旁聽或試聽,如有見到不能辨識為本校學生或成人在校園走動時,請大家能協助引導到餐廳,由行政志工負責接待。
因為今年是新的校區,所以今年的開學日將舉行開學典禮及行政與全校家長座談會。請您和貴子弟於九點直接到體育場集合,舉行開學典禮。開學典禮結束後,學生及老師將會進教室。學校行政人員將於10:15 ~ 11:00在餐廳恭候家長,舉行行政與全校家長座談,除介紹各組行政志工外,並宣布一學年的重要活動,同時也希望和家長雙向溝通。敬邀所有家長務必參加,以了解學校未來一年的運作重點及所需家長支援與配合的內容,共同為我們的學生打造快樂學習的經驗。
班級親師座談依往例在開學的第二週 9月17日舉行,請來認識您孩子的老師,了解老師的教學理念及需要家長配合協助的事項。
第二節 09:40-10:20 五、六、七、八、九、十年級
第三節 10:30 -11:10 二、三、四年級
第四節 11:20-12:00 幼幼班、注音班、一年級
給孩子們一個溫馨活潑又安全的學習環境,一直都是本校行政志工努力的目標之一,感恩家長們在這些年來的護持, 讓我們繼續共同為這個目標努力,在孩子們成長的學習旅程上留下美麗的記憶。
English Version
華盛頓州西雅圖 慈濟人文學校
Tzu Chi Foundation, U.S.A. Tzu Chi Academy, Seattle WA
http://tzuchiacademyseattle.blogspot.com/ or https://tzuchiacademyseattle.org/
Aug 28, 2016
Dear parents and students,
Greetings! Summer goes by so quickly. Hope you had a wonderful summer. This notice is to confirm you that our school will start at 9:00 AM on September 10 at Ringdall Jr. High (11650 SE 60th ST., Bellevue, WA 98006). For security reason, please dress in uniform and bring this notice with you to school. This notice will help our volunteers to guide you to your classroom. All girls are advised to have hair braided or tied up neatly with Tzu Chi blue hair pins or hair tie. If you are a new student, please dress in white top and long blue pants to school.
華盛頓州西雅圖 慈濟人文學校
Tzu Chi Foundation, U.S.A. Tzu Chi Academy, Seattle WA
http://tzuchiacademyseattle.blogspot.com/ or https://tzuchiacademyseattle.org/
Aug 28, 2016
Dear parents and students,
Greetings! Summer goes by so quickly. Hope you had a wonderful summer. This notice is to confirm you that our school will start at 9:00 AM on September 10 at Ringdall Jr. High (11650 SE 60th ST., Bellevue, WA 98006). For security reason, please dress in uniform and bring this notice with you to school. This notice will help our volunteers to guide you to your classroom. All girls are advised to have hair braided or tied up neatly with Tzu Chi blue hair pins or hair tie. If you are a new student, please dress in white top and long blue pants to school.
On September 10th, we will hold the School Open Ceremony and School Staff & Parents Meeting at the first day of school. Please come to school Gym at nine o’clock for the Open Ceremony. Students will follow teachers go back to classroom afterwards. School Staff & Parents Meeting will hold in Cafeteria at 10:15 – 11:00 for important announcement regarding school policies and planned activities for the coming school year. This will also be a great opportunity to communicate concerns in children’s education. Your input is important to us.
Teacher & Parents Meeting is on September 17, please come to meet teacher and to learn the syllabus, to exchange expectations, curriculum and important class announcement, and also introduce yourself. Below is the schedule for each class.
2nd period (9:40 – 10:20) : 5th ~ 10th grade
3rd period (10:30 – 11:10): 2nd grade, 3rd grade and 4th grade
4th period (11:20 – 12:00): pre, K and 1st grade
Location: at your student’s classroom
Our school is a volunteer-based organization. While all volunteers and teachers thrive to create a safe and fun learning environment to serve our students and families, parents’ support is also a key to make another great year for our students. We sincerely appreciate your support over the years and wish to have you with us for the many following years. Please mark your calendar for these two important meetings.
Look forward to seeing you.