
January 23, 2017


親愛的慈濟人文學校家人您好 (English version follows)

今年很特別, 下周六正逢農曆新年大年初一, 學校將舉辦新春活動, 當天有孩子的表演, 還有許多遊戲和食物攤位, 超過130位的家長與教育志工用心策畫, 就是想要讓全校的孩子感受過年的氣氛, 在童年時留下美好的回憶。 往年學校在新春活動時都會發給每給孩子福慧紅包, 今年為了讓孩子們能更了解什麼是福慧紅包, 我們先將紅包在教室內由老師發給孩子, 並且說明什麼是福慧紅包。



連同此訊息附上活動邀請函, 敬邀您也一起來過新年!活動當天請仍然將孩子帶到教室與班級集合,活動結束時請務必到室內球場接您的孩子。當天有新年應景食品品嚐,歡迎孩子們自備碗和湯匙,環保又衛生喔!

Dear Tzu Chi Academy families

This year the Chinese New year happens to be on a school day. Over 130 parents and volunteers are working hard to hold a carnival for the whole school to celebrate CNY. We sincerely wish all students would have a sweet memory about the Chinese New year during their school years. Along with the celebration, each student will receive a red packet from our Dharma Master Cheng Yen. The red packets all come from Master’s annual publishing royalties. Master Cheng Yen gives out His appreciation and blessings to all the Tzu Chi families at the end of each year. Thus, this red packet is called “Fu Hui Hong Bao”, it means a blessing to you to cultivate wisdom and blessing day after day and year after year.

On the day of the event, please bring your child to the classroom as usual. Please be sure to pick up your child from Gym at the end of the event. Your students are encouraged to bring owned bowl and spoon for New Year 's day food tasting. It is more environmental friendly and sanitizing!

We look forward to seeing you and families on 1/28.