
February 8, 2017

食素、種樹、愛地球 系列活動邀請

Dear Parents of Tzu Chi Academy

期待中的「食素、種樹、愛地球 3」來了!
The third Veggie Day is coming again. If you or any family member can commit to eat no meat for a whole day on 2/11, you are invited to join us for a lunch at school on Saturday.
Here is the signup link for the lunch:

To show our appreciation for your support in regard of loving our earth, we are honored to have a guest speaker, Judy Lin, to talk about kids eczema. The talk will begin at 11:00 AM at school cafeteria.

專題演講: 異位性皮膚炎乾癢不再來 (Help your avoid itching from eczema)

您家中是否有會癢癢的寶貝呢? 您是否總是很心疼睡覺老是不停抓抓抓的孩子? 皮膚的問題連帶著影響睡眠,也影響情緒和專注力。異位性皮膚炎的問題近年來,總是非常困擾許多家長們。這次特別邀請到畢業於Bastyr University自然醫學科的曾嚴頡醫師,她專攻小兒皮膚問題,也協助了很多家長和孩子,解決異位性皮膚炎的問題。歡迎您星期六早上11 一起來聽聽她這方面治療過程的分享。

Do you have a child constantly feel itchy and always scratching? Do you always feel frustrated and sorry for your children when they scratch over the night and can’t sleep soundly? The skin issues affect children's sleep and may also impact their emotions and learning. Eczema is a huge concern for a lot of families. We are very honored to invite a Naturopathic doctor Judy Lin, she has special interest in Pediatrics skin problems and has helped a lot families to mediate the eczema.

Please join us at 11 am on coming Saturday for Dr. Lin’s clinical experience and dietary suggestions about kids eczema.

/西雅圖慈濟人文學校  虔誠敬邀

Tzu Chi Academy, Seattle