
March 23, 2017

2017 Registration Orientation - all parents invited



為了讓大家能知悉今年註冊的流程與新的要求,行政團隊敬邀所有家長於本週六(3/25)早上 11點,在餐廳聽取「註冊說明會」,讓大家更了解註冊流程。
另外,上週三我們接到Tillicum Middle School 的臨時通知,得知5/20 將無法使用校舍,所以學校活動也將有所更動,會議中也將和大家說明。


記得喔! 這週六(325)早上11:00,餐廳見!!!


Dear Parents,

As you know, we have been using online registration system for a few years. With your feedback in mind, we made great efforts to accommodate and improve the online experience for all. Thanks for our volunteer parent Andy’s dedication and countless hours of work, there are a few changes in the registration process and we would like to hold a parent meeting to explain the process and some requirements as well.

During the meeting, we will also announce a couple calendar updates due to a short notice from Tillicum middle school. One last thing we will communicate about the accredited high school Chinese language credits for your students.

You are sincerely invited to join the parent meeting on coming Saturday, March 25, 2017 at 11:00 AM in the cafeteria.

/Admin team