
January 4, 2018

進入2018年, 一月將是忙碌又有趣的月份

Dear Tzu Chi Academy Seattle families-

Happy New Year! I hope that you all celebrated wonderful holidays with family and friends and found some time to relax and take a deep breath.
During Winter break, admin team worked to test online report card project and upcoming event planning. Please mark your calendar for the following events and you will see how January is fully loaded. We look forward to seeing you at school and enjoying these special events with your students.

  • 1/6         Assemble Fu-Hui envelops福慧紅包 for students from Dharma Master ChengYen each year
  • 1/13       Principal’s coffee & New Year event planning meeting 2, 9:40 am at cafeteria; the first meeting Powerpoint can be found here.
    • Assemble Fu-Hui envelops.
    • Food sale fundraising 食品義賣
  • 1/20       New Year event planning meeting 3, 9:40 am at cafeteria;
    • distribute 1st trimester report cards;
    • 冰雪奇緣 & 我的三次方2 頒獎;
    • Food sale fundraising 食品義賣
    • Teachers meeting, 12:30 pm.
  • 1/27       New Year event planning meeting 4, 9:40 am at cafeteria
    • Distribute Fu-Hui envelops.
  • 2/3         New Year event!!!
    • School wide pot-luck. 全校團圓飯