
February 2, 2018

New Year event is finally here!

各位家長好 (English version follows)

1.    所有學生務必穿制服到校並攜帶環保餐具
2.    到校後先進教室,後與同班共進室內球場就座
3.    請愛心服務的爸媽們早上先到餐廳報到,領取志工背心
4.    新年活動9:40開始,請大家到球場欣賞孩子們的表演
5.    聚餐的食物先放在各自的教室裡,待11:40園遊會結束後再拿到球場內設有班級標示的餐桌上,聚餐隨後開動
6.    如果學生在12:00以前離校,必請先告知老師登記早退



----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Parents of Tzu Chi Academy,

After a couple months of preparation, the first event of 2018 - New Year celebration finally comes!

This year we call for 18 booth hosted by parents, teachers and volunteers. All for our kids in Tzu Chi Academy.

We expect there will be more than 600 people come to school tomorrow. In order to make the event successful and keep our school at top safety, a few things to remind all to follow, 

·       All students must wear uniform to school. Remember to bring own utensils for lunch.
·       Morning drop-off remains the same, your students should report to their classroom teachers in own classroom.
·       All volunteering parents must check in at cafeteria first and wear volunteer vest throughout the event.
·       Program begins at 9:40 am in the gym.
·       Leave food in your student’s classroom before 11:30 AM
·       Carnival ends at 11:40 AM, please transfer all food to class dining table (will have class signs on the tables) after 11:40 AM.
·       Potluck follows immediately after all students reassemble after carnival.
·       If your students need to leave early before 12:00 PM, you must report to teachers to mark early withdrawal.

Look forward to seeing you tomorrow.


/Admin team