
May 23, 2018

6/2 第十二屆畢業典禮

大約在一周前經Bellevue學區確定有關租借田徑場舉辦親子運動會後, 得到的回覆是
“The large track field is still being rented by the Eastside Lions Rugby on June 9th.”
雖然田徑場旁邊還有一個棒球場, 但是無法容納全校360個學生同時進行不同的運動遊戲, 在場地與安全的前提下, 行政團隊經過審慎考量後, 不得不做出取消今年運動會的決定, 但是結業式後仍然有甜甜圈Happy Time給全校的孩子分享, 慰勞大家一年來的努力。 
接下來的兩個周六都有重要活動舉行, :
1)    6/2, 10:30-11:45AM, 將舉行第十二屆畢業典禮, 六到十年級參加, 歡迎六到十年級家長觀禮,來看孩子們的表演
2)    6/9, 11:00-12:00, 將舉行結業式, 全校參加, 歡迎家長參加, 來給孩子拍拍手鼓勵鼓勵

Dear Parents of Tzu Chi Academy,
We got response back from Bellevue School District regarding renting the Track&Field for our Field day use on 6/9, the replies said,
“The large track field is still being rented by the Eastside Lions Rugby on June 9th.”
The baseball field next to the big Field is currently open, however, the baseball field is pretty small so if we decide to use it we will need to split the activities between the field and gym, which will be chaotic and difficult to manage. With the safety concerns, administration team decides to cancel our Field day this year but still keep our donut tradition.
A quick brief for the last two Saturday events as follows,
1)     10:30-11:45 AM on 6/2 – Graduation ceremony, all students from 6th to 10th are required to attend. Families welcome to witness our grads big moment and their performance.
2)     11:00-12:00 on 6/9 – Last day of school celebration, all students (perK to 10) are required to participate. Families welcome to join us to praise your students’ accomplishment for the school year.

Admin Team