
January 22, 2020

New Year Silent Auction 1/25/2020

Dear Parents,
Happy New Year! It is year 2020, year of gold Rat, we will celebrate it on the first day of new year as well.
The theme of this year’s event is “誠正信實為大地, 慈悲喜捨為和風” - With sincerity, integrity, faith, and honesty as the soil, With kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity as the gentle breeze. We hope that all students are nourished and inspired by these qualities in their young mind.
The new year event will be on 1/25. Besides games bazaar and school-wide pot-luck,  there will be fundraising silent auction particularly for those less fortunate who suffer from the disasters around the world. In order to offer more time for you to view the auction items, you may view the whole list of items on a webpage and start bidding by clicking links next to the item on the spreadsheet below.
In case you have any questions regarding the event, pot-luck, and/or auction, you are welcome to email We will get back to you as soon as we can.
Date: 1/25/2020
Time: students should arrive at 9:00 am, anyone needs to leave before 12:00 pm will be marked partial attendance.
#Meet your teacher/class in your classroom when you arrive at school in the morning.
#Pot-luck is class-oriented, please consult your teachers or room parents for details.
#Leave your food on designated tables in the cafeteria.
#Bring your reusable utensils/bowls/plates for lunch.
#Zero garbage contest