October 27, 2020
鏘!鏘!鏘!2019-2020 學年度全勤獎
October 21, 2020
15800 SE Newport Way, Bellevue, WA 98006
活動組 感恩合十
Although restricted by the epidemic, the school is still working hard to reward our hardworking students. Because this year’s Halloween falls on Saturday, admin team has decided to combine Halloween celebration with the honor store for the opportunity to exchange prizes. You are cordially invited to experience this event. The date of the event is October 31st between 2pm and 4pm. Please help your child to dress up for Halloween and bring honor cards/paper/certificates to the Tzu Chi Seattle branch so students can exchange their earned honor cards for prizes, and there are also candies and small thanks-for-coming gifts. Despite it is a small-scale activity, everyone's health is still the top priority. Please wear a facial mask and keep a safe distance when lining up for each booth. We will still take everyone's temperature and provide hand sanitizer. The weather is getting chill in October, so please dress properly to keep warm. For details of the event, please refer to the school blog.
In order to prepare for enough small gifts and shortening the waiting time, if you can attend the event, please complete the questionnaire. We are grateful again for your company, encouragement and support. May Everyone be happy and safe!
Tzu Chi Administration Team
賀喜2020 雙十國慶繪畫比賽得獎學生
初級組第二名 劉殷瑄
初級組佳作 鄭琇玟
中高級組佳作 連婷
最佳參與獎 王芳儀
最佳參與獎 蘇恬安
最佳參與獎 蘇亭安
October 16, 2020
10/17/2020 雲端慈善音樂會「有愛無懼 慈悲相繫」
October 8, 2020
Principal's Coffee Time
The first Principal's coffee will be held at 10:30-11:10 AM on Oct. 10th over Zoom meeting.
Parents of current students are cordially invited.
Topic: Principal's Coffee
Time: Oct 10, 2020 10:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 654 064 4633
Passcode: goVeggie
One tap mobile
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+16699009128,,6540644633#,,,,,,0#,,5626527464# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
Meeting ID: 654 064 4633
Passcode: 5626527464
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October 2, 2020
近期活動預告 Comping up Events
10/10 將舉辦本學年度第一次的校長咖啡時間。
11/1 起將開始接受新生註冊登記,請email to。
10/31 將舉辦跳蚤市場。
The TzuChi Academy will launch a series of activities in the next few weeks:
On 10/10/2020, the principal’s coffee time will be held for the first time this school year.
Registration process for new students (2021-2022) will start in early November.
Please email request to for details;
and there will be a school flea market event on 11/14/2020.