
October 27, 2020

鏘!鏘!鏘!2019-2020 學年度全勤獎

林祐寬 黃宥嘉 馬迪 陳澤韜 唐靖稔 
蘇文威 郳文成 黃宥睿 甄曉儀 林子檸 
葉秉衡 梁子逸 吳丕楷 黃宥箐 顏立勻 
葉承勳 賴柏蓁 施敬德 紀漢 徐家琳 
蘇景瑄 余洛熙 劉智勛 吳威鴻 黎思敏 
王佑安 林宇平 張朗賢 黃彥韜 黃勇全
小室七実 小室詠叶 張曉怡 李美芳 連雅彤
貝奕紋 王佑竹 趙泓瑋 蔡沛彤 陳尚
黃劭恆 梁子奧 李宜臻 黃子祐 陳杏 
江恩緹 費翰宇 楊鎧謄 蘇景涵 彭志言
黃天傲 林可盈 甄健楓 張祥雲 張潔玲
林子威 林子鋒 



由於新冠疫情的關係,學校邀請得獎的學生在10/31週六下午2~4點之間到西雅圖支會的會所來領取獎盃。如果不克親自前來領取,請與輔導組聯繫 with subject: Attendance award,輔導組會個別與您另作領取安排。 會所地址:15800 SE Newport Way, Bellevue, WA 98033

October 21, 2020



15800 SE Newport Way, Bellevue, WA 98006



活動組 感恩合十

Although restricted by the epidemic, the school is still working hard to reward our hardworking students. Because this year’s Halloween falls on Saturday, admin team has decided to combine Halloween celebration with the honor store for the opportunity to exchange prizes. You are cordially invited to experience this event. The date of the event is October 31st between 2pm and 4pm. Please help your child to dress up for Halloween and bring honor cards/paper/certificates to the Tzu Chi Seattle branch so students can exchange their earned honor cards for prizes, and there are also candies and small thanks-for-coming gifts. Despite it is a small-scale activity, everyone's health is still the top priority. Please wear a facial mask and keep a safe distance when lining up for each booth. We will still take everyone's temperature and provide hand sanitizer. The weather is getting chill in October, so please dress properly to keep warm. For details of the event, please refer to the school blog.

In order to prepare for enough small gifts and shortening the waiting time, if you can attend the event, please complete the questionnaire. We are grateful again for your company, encouragement and support. May Everyone be happy and safe!

Tzu Chi Administration Team

棉花糖 cotton candy

扭蛋 capsule vending machine

賀喜2020 雙十國慶繪畫比賽得獎學生


初級組第二名 劉殷瑄

初級組佳作 鄭琇玟

中高級組佳作 連婷

最佳參與獎 王芳儀

最佳參與獎  蘇恬安

最佳參與獎  蘇亭安


October 16, 2020

10/17/2020 雲端慈善音樂會「有愛無懼 慈悲相繫」

慈濟美國總會即將於10/17(六)下午4:00舉辦雲端慈善音樂會「有愛無懼 慈悲相繫」 懇請您邀約學校老師和家長一起觀賞這場溫馨又精彩的音樂會。 除此之外,期望透過您的影響力,帶動大家布施愛心,無論金額大小,都可以匯聚成一股強大的力量,傳播大愛給需要幫助的人。有關音樂會詳情,捐款方式,請參考慈濟網站。  

Save the Date 
慈濟美國『有愛無懼.慈悲相繫』感恩慈善音樂會就要登場,將於雲端盛大演出! 雖因疫情關係,我們只能在雲端共聚欣賞精采表演,但和過往一樣,音樂會所呈現的人文藝術之美、觸動人心的善,將帶給觀眾滿心的感動與暖心的快樂。讓我們一同在躍動的音符中,共譜大愛樂章,護持慈濟,讓愛的行動走得更遠更長。 多國實力派表演者用愛串起這場音樂會:有民歌天王天后齊豫和李壽全、百老匯實力派演員顧忠光及張雅涵、中南美洲家喻戶曉的厄瓜多歌手希梅娜·伊貝瑞、以色列國寶級男高音大衛·迪歐、慈濟充滿活力的新芽合唱團、海地重量級音樂家保羅·波本🇭🇹、文武雙全的才子王守謙⋯⋯集各國表演精髓的舞台,有的感性唯美、有的直白熱情!而主持,則是由南加知名新聞主播陳玟妤🙋🏻,與慈濟志工何譜譜共同挑起大樑🎙️。 這場意義深重的音樂會將於雲端免費直播,期帶您慷慨解囊護持或贊助,募您的一份心,支持您所在社區的慈濟分支聯點,讓慈濟美國能繼續在各地深入推動世紀災疫的援助行動。 更多詳情

October 8, 2020

Principal's Coffee Time

 The first Principal's coffee will be held at 10:30-11:10 AM on Oct. 10th over Zoom meeting.

Parents of current students are cordially invited. 

Topic: Principal's Coffee

Time: Oct 10, 2020 10:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 654 064 4633

Passcode: goVeggie

One tap mobile

+12532158782,,6540644633#,,,,,,0#,,5626527464# US (Tacoma)

+16699009128,,6540644633#,,,,,,0#,,5626527464# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location

        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)

Meeting ID: 654 064 4633

Passcode: 5626527464

Find your local number:

October 2, 2020

近期活動預告 Comping up Events


10/10 將舉辦本學年度第一次的校長咖啡時間。

11/1 起將開始接受新生註冊登記,請email to。

10/31 將舉辦跳蚤市場。

The TzuChi Academy will launch a series of activities in the next few weeks:  

On 10/10/2020, the principal’s coffee time will be held for the first time this school year. 

Registration process for new students (2021-2022) will start in early November.

Please email request to for details; 

and there will be a school flea market event on 11/14/2020.