
January 18, 2012

Tzu Chi Academy will be closed on 1/21

Bellevue School District has decided to close all schools on Friday, 1/20. Therefore, all schools are closed for weekend.

Due to road and weather conditions, our school will be closed for this Saturday, January 21. The Chinese new year event will be postponed to the following week, Jan 28.

Sincere apologies for all the inconvenience which may have caused.

因為大雪之故, 我們租用的Bellevue School District關閉, 連帶也將週末的學校租用都停止了
本周將停課一次, 新年活動順延一週到1/28, 原定1/28之人文課則改期到補課日上
預定補課日為2/18, (除非當天學校場地借不到)
不便之處, 尚祈見諒

預祝大家 新年快樂!

- Admin Team