
January 4, 2012

家長人文課 Humanity Class for Parents

家長人文課, 不是上課, 而是學校與家長們的互動管道. 我們希望藉此讓家長們更了解學校, 了解學校除了給予孩子們語文的教學外, 所提供的人文課程具有何種的意義. 我們希望邀請家長們與我們一同策劃學校的每一個大活動.
這個星期六, 1-7-2012, 就請您們來了解南非贈書活動, 並分享籌劃新年活動的每一個感動時刻.
時間是第二節課 9:40-10:20

感恩所有的家長們選擇慈濟人文學校作為您們孩子學習成長的環境, 我們會努力把 證嚴法師創辦慈濟, 以教育為四大志業之一的精神理念以行動做出來, 祈願我們的孩子都能成為社會的菁英棟梁

Humanity class for Parents is a class to provide a communication between school and parents. We are a school not only providing quality language classes but also humanistic lessons. If you are interested in how and what we teach our students during those humanistic lessons, please join us this coming Saturday, from 9:40 to 10:20, at school cafeteria. Your participation in all the school events are our best support!