
May 26, 2012

Newport High School藝術表演廳舉行
4333 Factoria Blvd. SE, Bellevue WA98006

美國華盛頓州西雅圖慈濟人文學校 敬邀

6/9誠摯邀請您闔府光臨,當天請在9:00前直接帶您的學生到Newport High School大廳集合,然後您先入表演聽就座,學生會依班級由老師帶領入場,典禮自9:30開始,預估會在11:30結束

9:00AM  seating
9:30AM ceremony begins
Place: Newport High School – Performing Art Center
Address: 4333 Factoria Blvd. SE, Bellevue WA98006

With graduation quickly approaching, we are excited to announce that we will host the Awards Ceremony for all classes at Newport High School – Performing Art Center. On 6/9/2012, please bring your students to Newport High School at regular school time (9:00 AM). Please bring your students to meet their room teacher in the main hall. You and family are cordially invited to sit in the Performing Art Center. The ceremony will begin at 9:30 AM and estimate to end at 11:30 AM.