
May 26, 2012

6/2/2012 西雅圖慈濟人文學校親子運動會 Field Day

親子運動會將於11:00開始,活動換場方向是順時針方向,每一個活動有一個顏色 (紅,黃,藍,綠) 的辨識,預計12:00結束,結束時學校將提供小點心與飲用水學生,請家長提醒小朋友帶水壺或茶杯喝水

Moms and Dads, Grandmas and Grandpas, are all welcome to come cheering for our young athletes. The Field Day begins at 11:00 AM. Our most popular Chinese Tug-A-War game welcomes adults to form teams and compete. A light snack and drinking water will be served at the end of the event. Please kindly remind your students to bring their own water bottles or cups to refill water.