
October 19, 2012


10/13 一早學校餐廳非常熱鬧,適逢家長人文課第一次上課外, 還有慈濟西雅圖圖人醫會借學校場地辦免費流感疫苗注射, 因此一早餐廳裡就人潮很多。

人文課10:00開始, 家長已經就座, 先由校長跟大家介紹本校和他校最不同的人文教育-靜思語教學。簡短介紹了慈濟靜思語由證嚴上人開示中取得後, 由數位家長及志工演了一齣短劇, 短劇中請大家體驗原汁檸檬汁, 再嚐嚐分別加了鹽和糖的檸檬汁,並且分享哪種口味比較好,引出其實檸檬汁的本身都沒有改變,但是加了糖後,好喝很多,就好像我們有好的心意,如果好好表達,也會比較讓人接受,所以證嚴上人告訴我們「心地再好,如果嘴巴、脾氣不好,也不能算是好人。」


接下來的課程是為要推廣素食,鼓勵家長們健康吃、快樂做,當天的主廚是已經進入慈濟14年的連慈營師姐,我們暱稱她連媽媽,她為大家介紹色香味俱全又營養的素火腿捲《click here for食譜》,示範當中還說明了許多做菜好吃的小秘訣,感恩班長素梅媽媽整理如下:
1. 匏瓜絲泡軟備用。
4.素Ham: 一般超市都有賣,記得買松珍牌,因為它比較紮實。
5.匏瓜絲: Uwajimaya有賣。有學員說大華99也可買到。

·    如果家裏是吃素不吃蔥蒜的,可把蔥蒜的部分以其它的代替,比如香菜,西芹,  九層榙等。
·    不喝酒的可免放。
·    有些家庭吃得非常健康,不吃加工食材的,可用腐皮,蛋皮帶替素ham



時間:10:00 – 11:30 AM
攝影:John Alsoszatai-petheo, 黃永智

October 18, 2012

人醫會原訂10/20日於China Town辦公室舉辦免費流感預防針注射,將改期到11/3,詳情請參閱以下訊息:


慈濟西雅圖支會原訂于10/20 (星期六) 下午2點至5點在華埠辦公室及 11/3慈濟西雅圖Kirkland支會提供免費流感疫苗注射的活動。因為配合提供疫苗注射的Walgreen pharmacy醫療人員行程 改期 將二場免費流感疫苗注射合併為一次性社區服務詳情如下, 造成不便之處敬請見諒 :

11/3  (星期六)  2:00pm -5:00pm
421 7th Ave S. Seattle , WA 98104

和氣組& 人醫組

October 15, 2012


敬邀您欣賞學生們的作品照片連結 :


藉著這份作業 可讓同學們對環保有更多的體認與參與 同時也將學校的活動與課堂學習做一個適當的連結

看到同學們在極短的時間內 完成了這一份 mission impossible 的作業 而且每一份都展現了同學的用心 巧思 想像 熱情;  So PROUD of your students!!! 

本週還會繼續在學校餐廳前張貼海報 為此有意義的活動做宣導 

照片是志工 王爸爸 所拍攝的 
再一次的感謝家長鼓勵同學完成  我在這裡也給您拍拍手 =D> applause 


October 11, 2012

More on the coming Halloween Event


今年慈濟人文學校除了舉辦Halloween Costume Swap Activity之外,學校也希望藉由此次的活動讓孩子學習分辦資源回收物的類別,例如玻璃、紙、鋁罐、塑膠類等。
請各位家長鼓勵您的孩子利用家中的廣告紙,辨識並剪下三至四種不同類別的資源回收物, 並於10/27/2012攜帶至學校。所有的孩子將會在萬聖節活動中,學習辨識和分類廣告紙中資源回收物的類別。

Dear Parents,
In addition to the "Halloween Costume Swap Activity", Tzu Chi Academy would like to take this Halloween event as an opportunity to teach our kids to recycle, identify, and sort different recyclable items such as glass, paper, metal, plastic, and etc.
Please ask your kid(s) to identify 3 to 4 different types of recyclable items from any grocery store flyers and bring them to School on 10/27/2012. Kids will be asked to sort out the recyclable items based on the pictures shown on the flyers. Thank you!

Halloween Activity Committee

October 8, 2012

Halloween Costume Swap


今年的萬聖節主題是環保, 提倡環保, 誠心敬邀您在10/1310/20讓孩子把穿過的萬聖節化妝道具服飾帶來與其他孩子交換或是捐贈, 敬請共襄盛舉!
將會有協助此活動的家長在餐廳幫忙交換的進行, 交換的方式簡述如下(英文)

Dear parents,

Are you looking for a Halloween costume for your kid? This year, our theme for the Halloween activity is “Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle.”
In order to save money, time and to protect the environment, we are going to hold a swap event on coming Saturday. Please join us by bringing your children’s old costumes the coming Saturday 10/13 for a swap or donation.

The plan for swap:
Parents leave the old costumes and we record their names or they get a ticket.
Whoever on the name list (or got a ticket) are welcome to pick one from our collected pile of costumes and we cross the name on the list.
If it just so happen the parent couldn’t find anything the child likes, the parent could have a choice for donation or take their costumes back.

/Halloween Activity Committee

October 4, 2012

10/27 Halloween - kind to ourselves and the earth, and how?

Dear Parents & Students,

Are you ready for the Halloween?
This year, we would like to make a difference to celebrate the Halloween on 10/27 at school.

The trick is - bring in your home-made costume by either reusing, reducing or recycling.
The treat is - save money, have fun making costume, get a healthy snack

Hurry up! Talk to your children and start the project now. You can trade your old costume with someone else from school or neighbors, or just make one from recycled materials.

By reducing reusable materials, we also reduce air pollution (ha, why? we may ask you the questions on 10/27). It means that we are more friendlier to our earth where we live and heavily depend on.

We will keep you posted for further details. Stay tuned.

/Activity Team - Event committee

October 3, 2012

Free Flu Shot service

The flu season is coming. Tzu Chi Medical team will start the process of giving influenza shots - free of charge.  Walgreens’ pharmacists will come to the School location to give the shots.   

Due to the liability and complications, the service is limited to adults only. Adult family members and friends are welcome.

Flu Vaccine event -
Location -Cafeteria
Date - 10/13/2012
Time - 9:30am to 11:30am
*Walgreen is our sponsor for the flu shot services.


今年西雅圖慈濟人醫會將於 10 13 早上 9:30 – 11:30在人文學校的餐廳舉辦感冒流感預防針的注射, 不但可以免了你往返醫療診所的時間, 而且一切免費.
這是 Walgreen 關懷社區的活動當天他們的醫療人員將會提供 100 劑的注射因此請於 13 日早上儘早到餐廳填寫表格.   此次服務只提供給家長.

- 輔導組

October 1, 2012

For our kids, 開心回收玩具給榮譽商店

下周10/6() 榮譽商店正式開張,每週需二至三位爸媽一起護持榮譽商店,請家長依您方便的時間來榮譽商店輪值幫忙,意者洽店長美雲師姐,讓我們共同努力,有您的幫忙,是我們最大的期待!!
