
December 9, 2015


(English version follows)

感恩您們的大力支持,  12 5日的舊書義賣總共募得 $661. 善款我們以西雅圖慈濟人文學校全體學生家長老師名義捐到慈濟慈善志業, 幫助慈濟在土耳其為敘利亞難民兒童成立的滿納海中小學感恩所有的家長在為您的孩子選購書籍的同時, 也幫助了其他家庭孩子受教育的機會.

這星期六 12/12 的活動
1) 11:00 - 11:20  新春活動第二次開會(在餐廳)
今年的新春活動將在 2/13/2016 舉行. 感恩去年幫忙的家長以及今年有意願幫忙的家長在上星期六與校方開會, 有了一個最初步的策畫,  我們將在 12/12 向大家說明, 並邀請更多的家長一起來為孩子們留下美麗的回憶.

2) 11:20 - 11:50 家長人文課
上次的人文課中, 大家體驗了用一公分鉛筆寫字的辛苦, 這週我們將把剛剛獲得德國紅點設計大獎 (Red Dot Design Award) 最高品質獎的"淨斯多功能福慧床"帶到現場介紹給大家機會難得請勿錯過

Dear Parents of Tzu Chi Academy,

The week of 12/6 ~12/12, we have a few announcements to follow,
12/5 Book Sale for Syria refugee children
Together, we accomplished a great book sale for Syria Childern’s education fundraising. Last Saturday, 12/5, we raised $661 from the sale. The money has been donated to Tzu Chi Foundation in the name of students and family of Tzu Chi Academy Seattle. It will be designated to support the Syria refugee children’s education in Turkey. Your participation and aide are much appreciated.
More update regarding support to the Refugee:

Chinese New Year Celebration Planning meeting
The planning for Chinese New Year celebration has kicked off last Saturday. There are exciting ideas circulating! The second meeting will be held at 11:00 on 12/12. We need more parents to involve and help out. Please join the planning meeting in school cafeteria. It is also a great opportunity to meet old and new friends while we support our children’s education.

Third Humanity Class for parent 
As promised, the third parent class will be given on 12/12, from 11:20 ~ 11:50 AM. We will talk about an award-winning design made by Tzu Chi Foundation. Please join us to learn why Tzu Chi invent a folding bed through their mission? During the class, a real product will be brought to the class. You can try it out or test it. You would learn why it wins the world award. Don’t miss the opportunity!

Look forward to seeing you at school cafeteria.

行政團隊/Admin Team 感恩合十

December 6, 2015

12/5 booksale to help Syria; 12/12 Parent's class


(12/5/2015舊書義賣  9:30am- 11:30am
由於慈濟西雅圖支會即將搬新會所校方在整理舊的資源室時決定把18 年來累積的一些各方捐贈而學校不再需要的兒童故事書以及不再使用的教科書,作業本於 12/5在學校舉行舊書義賣, 歡迎家長前來請購

() 12/12/2015家長人文課 11:20am - 11:50am
我們會將獲得德國紅點設計大獎 (Red Dot Design Award) 最高品質獎的"淨斯多功能福慧床"帶到現場介紹給大家機會難得請勿錯過.

Dear Parents of Tzu Chi Academy
Please join the following two activities on coming Saturday and next week Saturday in the school cafeteria.

 1. 12/5/2015 Used books sale, 9:30 ~ 11:30 AM
Used books sale, all funds raised will go to Tzu Chi Foundation to support Children of Syrian Refugee in Turkey to continue their education. Please visit the cafeteria on 12/5 and pick some Chinese books for your children, at the same time, help other children’s education!

The following videos are for your reference. 
Turkish 星月下的愛無國界-孩童異鄉求學的故事 (4 minutes)
【見證台灣生命力】20150726 - 星月下的愛 - 無國界 (48 minutes)

 2. 12/12/2015 Humanity class for Parents, 11:20 ~ 11:50 AM
The third Humanity class for Parents will talk about an award-winning bed by Tzu Chi. Would you like to know why Tzu Chi invent a folding bed through their mission? We will bring one to the class for you to try or test on. Don’t miss the opportunity!

Look forward to seeing you at school cafeteria.

行政團隊/Admin Team 感恩合十

November 18, 2015

Weather influence

Dear Families and Staff,

Due to the ongoing possibility of a power outage due to weather in our region, please check the web site, local news or your email messages in the morning to confirm that your school will be in session.  At this point in time, our school is open on Saturday, November 21, running a normal Saturday schedule.
-Admin Team

November 15, 2015

2015-16 Calendar Updates 行事曆變動


這星期六 我們餐廳說明行事曆變動以及學校即將舉辦的故事書義賣和新春活動的籌備事宜.

            行事曆變動 (you can find updated Calendar link on the right pane under  Adminstration)
1) 10/31/2015 由於Tillicum School 電腦作業出錯導致我們臨時停課而必須補課
2) 約於三週前接到Tillicum School 通知: 因為該校將於 5/21/2016 承辦 Bellevue School District 的音樂活動而要求我們調課.

上星期六學生沒上課, 是老師們的精進研習日, 行政團隊與老師們討論各種調課的可能性, 最後決定以 2/20 & 4/2 兩天取代 10/31 & 5/21 的課. 校方已經和 Tillicum School 確定換課的日期, 同時也緊急與School District 協調, 讓我們可以在 5/21借用Newport High school表演藝術中心舉辦結業典禮

校方竭盡所能面對這無法預知的變化球, 這是老師與行政團隊投票的共識決. 我們知道有些家庭可能已經訂下休假的計畫, 若是造成您們的不便, 我們深感抱歉, 請多包容.

另外, 近期有兩項活動, 也敬邀您的行動支持喔!
·         兒童故事書義賣: 預計於 12/5 舉行, 如果您家中有舊書, 歡迎您捐出義賣, 義賣所得將資助敘利亞難民孩子的教育
·         2/13/2016新春活動的前置策畫即將開始,  進一步的通知會陸續送出

感恩家長們一直以來的護持學校所有活動, 您的支持是我們繼續努力的最大動力.

我們, 所有的老師與學校的教育志工, 需要您的諒解與支持和鼓勵.

校長  黃銘銘暨行政團隊 感恩合十

November 1, 2015

Special announcement for school closure (10/31/2015)

親愛的老師 & 家長們:

今天早上(10/31)我們一發現學校沒開門就馬上聯繫管理員與 Tillicum 學校, 但一直沒收到回覆, 最後只好在 9:15 時宣布學校停課.
感恩所有家長的諒解, 並感恩所有老師配合校方處裡緊急事件.

校方到現在都還未收到 Tillicum 學校的回覆, 我們已經送函到 Tillicum 學校要求解釋, 並且要求商討補課的時間, 若有進一步的訊息會盡速與家長們聯繫.

請家長們幫忙向孩子們解釋, 並謝謝他們今天乖巧的接受這麼一個大的變化球, 同時我們也祈願學校的 custodian 一切都好, 沒有令人擔心的事發生.
今天會是大家難忘的一次萬聖節 !

提醒家長, 下星期六 11/7 Veteran's Day 不上課, 不過我們可以不必等那麼久才見面下星期日 11/8 是慈濟 22 周年慶歡迎家長帶孩子們一起與我們共同慶祝慈濟西雅圖 22 周年.

Dear Teachers, Parents and Students,

Hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween!

This letter is to address what has happened to our school this morning and why we have to call off the day in a short notice.

At 8:25 AM, when the volunteers arrived at school, we immediately realized that the whole school was still locked and dark. The custodian didn't come to the school to get it ready for us in terms of unlocking the classrooms and cafeteria and turning the heater on . The volunteers made several attempts to reach custodian and Tillicum staff but  without any success. 
At 8:55 AM, our principal made the call to ask all parents at the drop-off not to leave yet. 
After waiting for another 15 minutes, 9:10 AM, the custodian still didn't respond to the pager and the voice message we left. Principal had no choice but to announce the dismissal of school as the final decision.

We understand such an unexpected incident must have caused some inconvenience to all, we certainly hope you would also understand how frustrated we have been through while we failed to reach a responsible personnel of Tillicum.
A letter has been emailed to Tillicum to request for an explanation and to give us some options to make up the missed Saturday school hours. We will keep you all posted once the final schedule change is made.

On the other hand, we are worry about the custodian. We sincerely hope that there is nothing bad happened at the Custodian's end to prevent him/her from fulfilling the duty.
Please let students know how well they behaved and cooperated today, we are very proud of them. This is going to be a unforgettable Halloween memory for all of us, isn't it?

By the way, we would like to remind you that there will be no school next Saturday, 11/7 for the Veteran's day weekend as listed on school calendar. 

And yet, all of you are cordially invited to attend the 22nd Anniversary ceremony of Tzu Chi Seattle Branch office on 11/8. Details can be checked out at this post.

Don't forget to fall back one hour for Daylight Saving ends today!

Staff Team of Tzu Chi Academy

October 21, 2015

慈濟基金會西雅圖支會 二十二週年慶



13:00-14:00 西雅圖志業回顧展,環保義賣
14:00-15:00 幸福人生講座:精彩人生,日日歡喜
15:00-15:30 茶敘、環保義賣

Address: 15800 SE Newport Way, Bellevue, WA 98006

Tzu Chi Foundation Seattle Branch 
22nd Anniversary Celebration

November 8th, 2015

13:00-14:00 Tzu Chi Seattle services exhibition, charity bazaar
14:00-15:00 Guest speakers, Ms Shiao-Yen Wu & Mr. Jamal Jabbar
15:00-15:30 Tea time, charity bazaar

15800 SE Newport Way, Bellevue, WA 98006

October 2, 2015


2015 學年度家長人文課要開始囉!!

甚受家長喜愛的家長人文課又回來了, 今年的人文課設計將拉近您與孩子的距離喔!

你看過超人嗎? (有小禮物)
請您呼朋喚友, 一起來看超人!

時間: 10/3/2015, 11:20-11:50 AM
地點: 學校餐廳


2015 school year humanity class for parents is coming!!

Favored by parents the humanities class is back, this year 's humanity courses will be designed to close up the bonding between you and your children!

Have you ever seen a Superman?
Do not miss him or her!
Are You Curious how we lead your children into the humanistic world?
Please come with your family and friends to visit Superman !

Time : 11: 20-11: 50 AM on 10/3/2015
Location : School cafeteria

Small gifts will be given in the class, Come join us !!!!!!

September 16, 2015


(toys collecting & sorting, help needed)
9/26 榮譽商店開幕 Station Opening


榮譽商店將在 9 26日正式開幕.

Dear beloved Parents,
First of all, thank you all for supporting the Award Store by donating your cherishable toys and turning it into a reborn toy for another child.  We will be holding a “toy recycling day” this coming Saturday, 9/19/2015.  As you are sorting through your donations, please pick items that are in good shape, clean and safe to others. 
We encourage you to work with your kid(s) on this project, with this giving and sharing experience, our children will develop a sense of respect, caring and compassion towards others. We also need a lot of helping hands to sort donated toys, please let us know if you are able to participate. Students who bring toys to school will receive an award card as our way of saying “thank you.”
Sincerely yours
Award Store volunteers

證嚴上人教導我們, 清貧能致福. 清是清流而非清苦, 貧是歸樸而非貧窮. 心若少欲念, 生活盡量簡樸, 日子就會很好過. 不僅不浪費也不會製造大量垃圾, 為我們的地球盡一份愛護的力量.
恭敬摘錄證嚴上人的法語與大家共勉之. (清貧致福 p107)
1.     不拿: 不需要的物品, 即使免費也不拿.
2.     不買謹慎購物, 不浪費物資.
3.     不過量: 不過量購買, 儲藏過久, 容易忘記使用或過期.
4.     共用不常用的物品, 大家可以互通共用.
5.     沒有也行: 不要有非要不可的念頭.

September 2, 2015

2015-2016 開學通知 Welcome Letter (English version follows)


    大家好!新的學年又要開始了,西雅圖慈濟人文學校定於九月五日開學,請於當日至Tillicum Middle School (16020 S.E. 16th St. Bellevue, WA 98008) 上課,上課時間是9:00AM-12:00PM基於維護學生安全為由,請每位學生務必穿著制服上衣,藍色長褲,並攜帶本通知書,女生請梳整頭髮別上有校徽的藍色髮飾,志工將憑通知書或制服辨識後,方可讓你進入教室區上課。 鑒於學生安全與教室秩序的因素,本校不開放旁聽或試聽,如有見到不能辨識為本校學生或成人在校園走動時,請大家能協助引導到餐廳,由行政志工負責接待。

今年的行政與全校家長座談會將在開學日舉辦. 學校行政人員將於 95日早上11:00-11:50於餐廳恭候家長,除介紹各組行政志工外,並宣布一學年的重要活動,同時也希望和家長雙向溝通。敬邀所有家長務必參加,以了解學校未來一年的運作重點及所需家長支援與配合的內容,共同為我們的學生打造快樂學習的經驗。

班級親師座談依往例在開學的第二週 912 日舉行,請來認識您孩子的老師,了解老師的教學理念及需要家長配合協助的事項。


           第二節 09:40-10:20    四、五、六、七、八、九、十年級

     第三節 10:30 -11:10   一、二、三年級

     第四節 11:20-12:00    幼幼班、注音班、漢語拼音班



給孩子們一個溫馨活潑又安全的學習環境,一直都是本校行政志工努力的目標之一,感恩家長們在這些年來的護持, 讓我們繼續共同為這個目標努力,在孩子們成長的學習旅程上留下美麗的記憶。





黃銘銘法號慈啟 恭敬合十

Dear parents and students,

Greetings! Summer goes by so quickly. Hope you had a wonderful summer. This notice is to confirm you that our school will start at 9:00 AM on September 5 at Tillicum Middle School (16020 S.E. 16th St. Bellevue, WA 98008). For security reason, please dress in uniform and bring this notice with you to school. This notice will help our volunteers to guide you to your classroom. All girls are advised to have hair braided or tied up neatly with Tzu Chi blue hair pins or hair tie. If you are a new student, please dress in white top and long blue pants to school.
  1. We will hold the School Staff & Parents Meeting at the first day of school. Please come to school Cafeteria at 11:00 - 11:50 for important announcement regarding school policies and planned activities for the coming school year. This will also be a great opportunity to communicate concerns in childrens education. Your input is important to us.

  1. Teacher & Parents Meeting is on September 12, please come to meet teacher and to learn the syllabus, to exchange expectations, curriculum and important class announcement, and also introduce yourself.
 Below is the schedule for each class.
2nd period (9:40 10:20): 4th ~ 10th grade
3rd period (10:30 11:10): 1st grade ~ 3rd grade
4th period (11:20 12:00): pre ~ K
              Location: at your students classroom
  1. School Calendar for 2015-2016 school year is now available on the website 
  2. 2015-2016 Classroom Map will be posted on the schools website on 9/1/2015.

Our school is a volunteer-based organization. While all volunteers and teachers thrive to create a safe and fun learning environment to serve our students and families, parents support is also a key to make another great year for our students.  We sincerely appreciate your support over the years and wish to have you with us for the many following years. Please mark your calendar for these two important meetings.

Look forward to seeing you.

Min -Min Wong
Principal of Tzu Chi Academy, Seattle