
April 28, 2016

Please don't miss this rare opportunity - 4/30 家長人文課

這星期六4/30 (11:00-11:50)家長人文課校方邀請到駐西雅圖經濟文化辦事處處長夫人 王貞慧女士主講餐桌禮儀.
她在上個月為我們六年級同學上西餐禮儀, 許多用餐時須注意到的細節讓我們在場的大人們也受益良多, 因此特邀請她來和全校的家長一起分享


Dear Families of Tzu Chi Academy,

On coming Saturday morning, we are honored to have Mrs. Rosa Wang, wife of Director of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Seattle, to present a class about Dining Etiquette. Rosa also teaches the same class to our students and students love it. Therefore, we invite Rosa to extend this class to parents who are interested in learning proper dining manners in both Chinese and Western ways!

This class will be held from 11:00 to 11:50 at school cafeteria on 4/30.

You are cordially invited, with friends and family, to this class.

Tzu Chi Academy, Seattle